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"Again, what do you mean?"

"Don't mind me darling, I blame it on the old age, always saying whatever" she says, beginning to look uncomfortable

"Look Mia, the fact that you're growing doesn't mean you can say whatever and blame it in old age. You know very well what you're saying, but don't repeat it again. I respect even though I don't like you, don't cross your boundaries. And also quit calling me darling" it makes me nauseous
I turn and trudge away from her, feeling so wound up and on edge. Why am I even so paranoid?

"Everything okay?" Brandon asks as I take a seat and he starts the car

"Yeah" I reply

I turn up the radio, hopefully to drown Mia's voice from my head, so as to not encourage any ideas, hopefully it works and I'm glad.


"THEODETIA!" Darcy screams as she runs towards me

Some things never change, Darcy being one of them. Always the loud one

"I miss you too" I say, trying to pull away from the hug that is castrating me


"Spencer! How is motherhood treating you?" I ask after hugging her

"Great! Josh proposed!" She squeals

"That's great. When was this?" I ask, extremely happy for her

"A few days ago. And I can see you're also hitting the trend. You've not let your touch I see" she says, glancing at my ring

"I'm not an old hag Spencer, of course I still have my touch, depends on the one who has it to keep it" I say to her, the comment of old hag making me remember Mia. Annoying!

"That's good then. Who's the lucky guy?" She asks, proding

"That's for me to know and for you to find out" I say and wink at her

"He's handsome though, really handsome" Beverly butts in, joining us

"So you were stalking me that day!" I exclaim, remembering the day Jace drove me home and I met her inside

"Hey I needed to see who the charmer was, besides he was really good looking"

He still is honey. I wonder what my brother would say when he hears her talking about another man like that

"Talking about me babe?" And then he appears, he should really stop that

"Definitely not babe. Harry Styles" she says and I burst out laughing at the scowl that takes over my brother's features, but he kisses her anyways, knowing how she is

"Fucking finally!" Someone says and I recognize the voice immediately

"Anna!" I yell, stepping away from the group to have her crush into my arms as if she's met a long lost love and I chuckle to myself

"Finally I get to see your beautiful ass" she says slapping my behind

"Okay..." that was seriously platonic. If it was Darcy I wouldn't have bothered, we all know how she is, but since when did Annabel get so touchy

"So what have you been up to? Where are you spending this vac?" I ask her

"Think you're the only one traveling? Came from Carribean yesterday" she says. But I thought....

"I thought... But you were at my place the last time, I called you and I'm positive you were at around, then you fly straight up..." I trail off

"Well you thought wrong. Left to Carribean the day after I spoke to you. I was at your place but you weren't around, end of story,  my world doesn't revolve around you Detia"

This doesn't make sense

"Who said it did? You know what forget, I wanted to know what you were up to since it's been so long after we spoke, but forget it cause you don't get the whole facade. Let's just enjoy the day out" I say and walk away from her to change and begin my tan. I need that much after someone telling am I look pregnant and my friend thinking I want her world to revolve around me. It's just too much!

Annabel Stark POV

I don't know why I said what I said. I guess I just lost my temper, she doesn't want me and she wants everything to be about her. What is wrong with me? Is not like I've told her I like her or something? She's not even gay? I'm a fuck up seriously
I turn around and to go and get a drink when I see her in her swimsuit and I can't help but let my jaw drop to the floor

Holy motherfucking chicken nuggets does she look sexy. The two piece swimsuit accentuates her body perfectly.

I make my way over to my bag and change into mine

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I make my way over to my bag and change into mine. Maybe she'll find me attractive.

I make my way over to her hoping she says something but she just smiles at me and turns to the waiter who's eyeing her up and down as she doesn't realise but just orders and drink

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I make my way over to her hoping she says something but she just smiles at me and turns to the waiter who's eyeing her up and down as she doesn't realise but just orders and drink

"I'll have sex on the beach" she says to him

"Make that two" a voice says and I turn to see my brother

Great! Just great!

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