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Taehyung POV

1 Month Later

Jin has woken up.

I had Namjoon and Hoseok come along with me to the hospital ever since. Namjoon would help Jin out. He would get him anything he needed, and would make sure he was comfortable. Hoseok on the other hand, would sit on a chair next to Yoongi's bed. Yoongi was the worst looking one out of all of them. Yoongi was the only one to had gotten a tiny amount of his skin peeled from his face.

It was obvious Hoseok liked Yoongi, but it was also obvious that Yoongi disliked Hoseok. Even if he already knew that, Hoseok still sat next to him. He told me that he had been there for him for only half the school year in high school, so he should be there for him while they're in college. Hoseok had been attending the same college, but was never there when Yoongi was. Plus, he didn't live in the dorms.

Anyways, that's how it was. It would probably change when...

2 Months Later

Yoongi POV

Someone was holding my hand. I liked it. I always liked holding hands with people. It made me know I at least had them on my side.

I tried to open my eyes, but that just gave me more pain than what I was already dealing with. I still tried, though.

I started blinking, and then I heard voices.

"Guys, he's waking up!"


"Yoongi, are awake? Can you hear us?"

But out of all the voices, one stood out.

"Yoongi, do you hear, me?"

I open my eyes, and the first person I see, the person that's holding my hands, was none other than,

"Jung fucking Hoseok."

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