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Taehyung POV


I ran over to the shelf holding the Mantecados. I literally put them all in my last paper bag.

"I'm ready to buy now," I say.

"I could tell," Jungkook chuckles and then kisses my cheek.

Soon, Namjoon came through the door. "Y'all ready?"

"Yes," I replied.

As Namjoon finished calculating how much money I'll have to spend, he tells me,

"Hoseok said that we should all hangout today and eat the pan dulce at my house. Don't worry, I'll pay for it."

I looked over at Jungkook who just smiled.

"Oh, you can bring your boyfriend. He can also bring some friends," Namjoon blurted out.

"Really? Thank you.... Namjoon! I'm just going to warn you, my friends are really something," Jungkook smiles even more which made me die inside.

"I'm going to call them!"

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