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Tomorrow is the day we all get together at Kirito and I's new place. I'm kind of excited, Kirito and I moved all of our things here already and we've been sleeping here. Well, I've been sleeping in my old room and he's sleeping in his room which is suppose to be our room together. He isn't talking to me, after I told him about Knight, He's been ignoring me. He's not even monitoring me, he just says stuff like, 'Have knight do it' 'You're new boyfriend should do it' 'You don't care about me so why should I care about you.' Just mean stuff like that. It hurts, but i know he doesn't mean it. He still loves me right? It's my own fault. I did this to myself.

I mean Kirito already told me he's done and that we're done after a huge fight we got into, but he still moved in with me, so he didn't mean it. I still can hear his words playing over and over again in my head like a record player.

'Akane, I'm just sick of this. I don't care if but was an accident or not. I don't care, You're just a pathetic woman trying to blame her screw ups on everyone else except yourself. Just leave me alone, I'm done. I'm fed up with having to take care of you, we're done, we're over. Now leave me alone.'

I laid in my bed and cried myself to sleep again, i can't believe I've been so stupid. Why can't I just do something right, and not screw up every thing? Why is everything so hard?

I just called Aussie. She'll talk to me.

"Hi, how's living with Kirito?" She asked. I sighed. Then I herd the worry in her voice, "Is he still mad at you. It was an accident. Why can't he understand that?" I don't know Asuna. I really wish I did.

See what had happened was, the other bad when Knight was helping us move the last of our things here we kissed, but it wasn't like a romantic type of kiss. It was a complete accident, I can't even remember correctly how it happened. Knight told me he was sorry and he told Kirito the same thing. Like we didn't do it because we love each other or anything. But, kirito doesn't understand that. Maybe because when he asked me if anything happened between me and knight I lied and told him nothing happened.

"I don't Know Aussie, but I wish he'd understand that I don't have feelings for Knight. And I never will. Besides you and Knight would be adorable together." I herd her giggle. They would be.

"Thank you, but I'll try and talk to him, see if he'll forgive you. I have to go, I love you." Her sweet voice made me smile. Im happy I have her in my life.

"Love you too! See you soon." Then I hung up. A quick call just to get my confidence back up. I didn't do anything bad, and if I did I already told him I'm sorry he's just unwilling to forgive me.

I just put my augma on and seen Yui. she smiled. I might of started using my augma before everyone else got here. But as soon as I put it on the other day my system was like reborn, it updated and I no longer needed to be synced with anyone or anything. So my system is functioning properly, I wanted to surprise everyone and tell them tomorrow.

"Hi mommy. Is Daddy still mad at you?" She's so sweet and innocent. I love her.

"Yes sweetie, daddy is mad at me still, but it'll pass just let him realize how stupid he's being."

"But daddy has been mean to you can calling you awful names, its not fair!!" I giggled, "what's so funny?" She asked.

"Nothing sweetheart. your daddy is a grown up but acts like a child sometimes. Everything will be okay, I promise. Don't worry your pretty little head." She giggled this time then hugged me.

She might not be able to physically hug me, but I still felt it. I don't know how though. Its weird.

"You think I'm pretty??" Yui asked a bright look on her face. "Of course I do." she just smiled again. "Thank you Mommy. You're pretty too. And I can't wait for you and Daddy to make up so I have have a little brother or sister." What is she talking about.

Little brother or sister? I can't actually have kids. Like I'm an A.I, I can't carry a baby AI why did she say that? I mean we could always adopt but its not the same thing as us actually having a kid together.

"Mommy and Daddy won't be having kids for awhile. were still so young. " she frowned.

"But I want to be an older sister!"

"You will be one day, just not not alright?" she huffed then agreed. "Fine." I laughed at her silliness. I'm not ready for kids, I'm not even mature enough to take care of myself. Let alone a living human being.

A knock was herd at my door so I quickly take my Augma off. Then answered my bedroom door.

"Can we talk?" Kirito asked with a sad look on his face. What did Asuna tell him and why didn't she tell him sooner??

"Sure, whats up?" I asked then sat on my bed. he sat next to me and looked down into his lap.

"I'm sorry, I was a jerk. I know its not your fault I was just scared of losing you again. I figured you'd eventually realize how I'm not good enough and you'd leave me. So I thought if you left now I wouldn't have to go through the pain of you leaving me later. " he looks up at me, tears in his eyes. It made me sad. He's crying :(

"listen to me. I love you so much Kazuto Kirigaya don't you even think I'll leave you. Because I won't. You're my world, you have my whole heart and I don't ever plan on that changing. please don't feel like you're not enough, because you are enough. More than enough. You're perfect and I'm happy to have you by my side. I'm lucky to be here with you so don't ever think I'll leave you. I'm not. " he smiled then kissed me. It was a short, sweet and simple kiss. But it was so full of love that I just felt safe. I always do when I'm near, or with kirito.

"I love you, thank you for putting up with me. I'm sorry again for being an asshole."

"I love you too, and If I didn't find you so cute I don't know what I'd do with you." I giggled then hugged him. He hugged me back and we sat there for awhile in each others arms. It was nice, I missed him. I guess I never really thought about how me accidentally kissing knight would make him feel. But I need to thank Asuna later for talking some sense into him, and asked her what exactly she said to him too.

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