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"You haven't talked to Daddy in two days he's worried about you." Yui says, I sighed. "Yeah. Kirito has been a huge mess. We've all forgiven you, and so will he. Just talk to him. You should log out and ambush him." I smiled at Silica. She realized what she said when she said it. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to.." I giggled.

"It's okay. Don't feel bad. I'll talk to him when he logs in. I'll wait for him to forgive me, he needs time. I get it. I want to thank you all for forgiving me, I know what I did was wrong. But I really feel like even as just some A.I code that I have a family. I wanted you to..." Then I seen Kirito. He looked like he did in SAO.

"Kirito?" I asked. "What, Xena. Are you okay? Kirito isn't there?" Leafa said confused. He has both his swords in each hand and dressed in black.

"The Black Swords men." I whisper. "Xena!! We've been trapped inside this game for some time and i thought i lost you. Please don't run off like that again, it scared the hell out of me." He runs over to me and stands in front of me. I smiled.

"Don't worry, I'll never run away again, I promise." He chuckles, "Good, now. You said you could duel wield sometimes. But i think You're ready to learn how to control it better so I'll teach you."

"You really think I'm ready?" He nods. Then I get my Strongest sword out Dark Repulser and I hold out my other hand in the air. I blocked out every one else talking and took a deep breath. "Excalibur!" I yelled waiting for the pink sword to appear in my hand with the usual pink flame it'll get like my other sword. It appears and I smiled.

"Woah! She just called Excalibur! It's the most powerful Sword in ALfheim!" Leafa exclaimed

"What is she doing?" Aussie asked, confused.

"Some one needs to contact Kazu and try to get him to come log in right now.. Aussie said with a smile present in her voice. Asuna seemed really worried for her friends, especially Xena.

"I'll talk to him." Then Leafa logged out. My pink flame on my swords were bright. "What's wrong?!" I heard Kiritos voice and looked behind me, it was another kiriro. Weird. What the hell is going on.?

"No this isn't happening again!! There's two of you.." they're standing next to each other but i don't think kirito can see the other Kirito, well the ALO version of Kirito probably can't see the SAO Kirito, if that makes sense.

"What do you mean. Xena theres only one of me. " he looks at my swords and the pink flames.

"Just put the swords down. It's okay. I'm sorry that I haven't been here for you. I was just upset and confused, but I forgive you, I love you Akane. " i smiled and i started to lower my swords.

"Don't listen to him. He's lying to you, he's scared you'll beat him. We've been through to much together. I love you Xena. You're the pink demon. Now kill them all!" I turned around about to attack then i remembered something.

"My name wasn't Pink Demon. It was the Pink Shadow!!" i yelled turning around and attacking the SAO Kirito. It turned out to be someone doing a mind control spell. Like they pretended to be Kirito because they've seen me and him around here before. And herd me and Kirito talking about me being the pink shadow but he thought it was the pink demon.

They want me to join their party or whatever because i was strong so messing with my head was smart. They didn't know what they'd look like they just wanted to look like Kirito, i guess the Kirito I'm used to is the SAO version.

i put my sword away and turned to my friends. "I love you guys." They all cheered. "We all love you too." And a huge group hug was made.

"Can i talk to you?" Kirito said, i nod. Then we go for a walk in the forest. "I'll stay here Mommy, Daddy!" Yui yelled as we walked further into the forest. "Okay sweetie!" I yelled back. I herd her giggle.

"Listen I'm sorry that I've been ignoring you. I couldn't wrap my head around everything, and I just wanted to look into your and Kayaba's past. Only two articles were ever published about you, but they've been deleted recently. He never mentioned you in anything. But you imagine search your face only 3 photos come up, one from when Kayaba was 20 or 21 and one from right before SAO launched you were seen outside Kayaba's office in the middle of the night and another holding hands with me. It's weird, because they all are pretty recent but you look the same in every photo. I just don't understand why someone would take a photo of us together."

"I'm trying to process all this. I'm so confused over everything." He chuckled. "So am I." Then he leans down kissing my lips. 

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