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"Your cooking is amazing."  Kirito says for like the 100th time in 10 minutes. "I know because you tell me every day." I giggled. He grabbed my waist and pulls me into his lap. "Xena, I'm glad I met you." I blush, "I'm glad I met you too Kirito." He blushed too. Gosh how did I get so lucky?

"Lets go for a walk today." He suggested. "Yes. Let's go just let me get ready first." I jump up from his lap and go into the other room to change.

As soon as my clothes were off I felt someone staring at me. It was Kirito! I'm in my underwear!!!! Oh no.. 

"I was going to ask if you wanted to have a picnic by the river." He puts his hand over his eyes, but i can't still see him peaking at me. We are married after all, it shouldn't be weird if he sees me naked right? No it should not!

I just walk over to him and move his hands from his face, he turns red when he sees me. "Uh.." He doesn't know what to say.

"We are married after all, it shouldn't be weird if you see me like this should it?" He just looks away. "I've never been a big ladies man to begin with.. So I don't have a lot of experience in this department area." i giggled and then hugged him. I think he noticed that my boobs were pushed up against his chest and he freaked out.

He jumped away from me. He doesn't like my body does he? Probably not, I've always had a weird type of body. And when I first got my regular body back when we started playing. I was upset, my body is something i don't really love.

I just frowned and looked down at my small feet. I love Kirito, and i know that he must love me. But, once he actually gets to see me like this he pushes me away. i wouldn't blame him even if I was surprised I'd push me away too.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of done that, i know I'm not the best to look at, just forget this happened." I say trying to hold back my tears. It was silent for a moment then Kirito grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. I realized he took his clothes off too. Why?

I looked up at him and he wiped my face off, I guess I was crying and didn't even realize it.

"I think you're beautiful."

He leans down to kiss me and I kiss him back. I don't have any idea what to do in this situation, like I'm young yes, but i love Kirito with all of my heart. I wouldn't mind my first sexual relationship to be with him, but in a virtual world? I mean does it count? I think it does, well it should.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked and i nod. He smiled then picked me up. He walks over to his bed and sets me down on it. "I love you Xena." He says with love ringing throughout his voice, "I love you too Kirito." He kissed me with so much passion it made my heart flutter.

Kayaba's pov

I sighed to myself, I can't let this happen. My daughter is having sex with a some kid. I can monitor all that's going on here but I can't really control much. I could yes, but what fun would that be if I did? Maybe I should tell Akane that it's me so she'll join the Knight's of the Blood oath's guild. No, she'd never do that. She probably hates me by now.

I should of told her to begin with why I didn't want her to play, but i thought she'd leave me. I love my daughter with all my heart, that's why I've protected her for this long. When she died, i had to revive her. That revival gem was just for show, i never thought anyone would actually find it or actually use it.

She's only alive because of me, i bet if she knew that, she'd join me. This is our world after all, we've created so much together. I always wanted to play SAO with her, but not like this. I wanted her to be by my side while we helped our guild beat the game. I really thought she'd listen to me when i told her not to play, but deep down I Knew she'd play i Just didn't want to believe it.

So when I found out she was playing i figured I'd get what I wanted, her to stand by my side as we played this game, but it turns out she rather play with that kid instead. Why would she give up so much for him? Does she really love him that much?

"Kirito. Can I ask you something." I look over at a screen and seen them laying together covered up with a blankets. I can't believe he just did that with my daughter. It makes me sick knowing my daughter has such a dirty mind to want to do things sexual at her young age.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you think my father would be proud of me? I mean I know that he trapped us all in this game. But he's still my dad, I'll never forgive him for this. I Just can't help but feel like the dad i knew before SAO would be disappointed in me." after what just happened yes I'm extremely disappointed but her over all skills in this game, no.

"I think he'd be proud of you, I know I am. I never knew Kayaba personally but I used to look up to him when I was younger. When I was a beta tester i thought that I'd get to spend time with him. And meet him because he was a hero to me. But being chosen to play SAO was an Honor in its self. We've been in this game for so long, it feels like the life I had doesn't really matter anymore. The only life I want is a life with you."

Oh god, how cheesy. Now I can see why my daughter loves him. I think i remember him from beta testing. He was the smart quiet kid that could defeat almost anything you threw at him. He advanced almost effortlessly.

"I really would be okay if we stay here forever because then I'd be with you." He has her wrapped around his finger.

"You don't want that, you want to leave here. So we can meet in real life and have a life together."

"Yeah You're right, I do want that." Oh no She's doing whatever he wants, she just agreed with him. I thought for a second that she would be fine staying in this game forever with me. But, He's basically controlling her mind. she'll do anything as long as she's with him.

My daughter did always have a kind pure heart, she always was kind. So i can't get mad at her for wanting to be with him. If she loves him, she loves him. Once she sets her mind to something she'll do her best to get that. I just miss her is all.

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