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2 weeks later

"Thank you for having me over for dinner." I thank Kirito uh i mean Kazuto and his little sister Sugoh.

"You're welcome. You're Nice to talk to and I get lonely around here, not having friends around my own age in real life sucks. " she replied with a smile on her face.

"If you ever want a place to get away for awhile you can always come and stay at my place." She seemed to like that answer.

"Okay, you got a deal." She says with a nod while smiling. She leaves the kitchen and Kirito walks up to me. "You're beautiful you know that?" He smiled, i feel a blush rush to my cheeks.

"I was so lost without you. When you were about to die in my arms. I just.. I broke. You almost died twice in my arms. I haven't been very good at protecting you." I see him frown. I grabbed his hand slightly squeezing it. "You've done a good job at protecting me. It was my own choice. To be honest I've been hiding something from you. I should have told you when I had my battle with Yuno." I feel him grip my hand harder at the mention of Yunos name.

"I hate that guy. What he did to you. He messed with your head. He makes me sick. He talked about how SAO was an evil game that killed people. Yet he made sure you were trapped inside the game and nearly killed you. The NerveGear is safe to use now, but he made sure to keep yours hooked up to the main system. He's everything he said he hated." Kirito is really bothered by this isn't he?

"Kirito, I'm fine. Besides I probably won't put on my NerveGear any time soon. I'm glad to be here in the real world with you. Besides. In the real world there's pizza." he pushed me up against the kitchen counter and kisses me. I gladly kissed him back.

His hand's go to my hips and then it flashes in my mind. When He wouldn't stop. But that wasn't him. That was Yuno. So i shouldn't be scared. I thought i was past this after I fought Yuno i was fine. Why is all my fear starting to come back. Kirito pulled away from me and i was just trembling in fear staring at the wall. What's wrong with me?

"Hey, Akane?" I herd him call my name but my eyes stayed glued to the wall.

"Xena?" He asked. Still didn't move. I felt my heart start to race and fear started to consume me. This is all my fault. I let so many people die. Yuno was right. I created SAO. I wanted a death game didn't I? I don't deserve to be happy.

"Hey, Princess. Look at me." i felt the tears roll down my face.

"This is all my fault. I-I shouldn't... I.." I was about to fall to my knees but he caught me. He picks me up and carried me to his room and set me on his bed.

"Calm down. Look at me and tell me what's wrong." I looked up into his beautiful dark colored eyes. He's so kind his eyes show it all. How caring he is.

"I created Sword Art Online. I wanted the death game. I gave my father the idea. Yuno mentioned it was in my fathers notes. I loved Sword Art Online so much. I always felt happy there. I hated who I was out here so in the virtual world I loved who I was instead. I asked him if it was possible to ever stay inside the virtual world instead of leaving it. I told him that it'd be cool if Sword Art Online could be real. That it'd be cool to fight a monster with a sword like that every day. I asked him if it were possible to trap my mind inside the game so i didn't ever have to leave.. My father laughed at me and told me I was being silly and that it would be wreckless and irresponsible to actually wish for that. That he could never do that. I gave him the idea to trap innocent people inside the game because i hated who i was. I'm the reason why everyone is dead. I shouldn't be alive today. I don't deserve this happiness with you." i cry sitting on his bed and he stands in front of me. he probably hates me.

I wouldn't blame him. I hate me too. He begins to pace around his room for a second. He lifted his hand and i flinch putting my hands up protecting myself. Then nothing happens. I seen him face palming.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I was going to lift up your head to make you look at me. But i should have known you'd be scared of me. Yuno totally messed with your head. Please remove your hands I'll never hurt you or let anyone hurt you." He kneels down in front of me and I look at him he has a smile on his face.

"You didn't create Sword Art Online. None of this is your fault. You were younger when you said that. You tested out the game such a long time before the beta testers. It's okay that you loved the game that much. Because you were working on something with someone you looked up to and loved. Don't feel like this is your fault. You might go said that but you didn't rig everything to actually create a  death game." i smiled at him. How is he so sweet and nice to me? I'm just a broken fragile girl.

"I love you." I say and he pecks my lips. "I love you too." I'm lucky to have him in my life. And Yui. Holy crap Yui! I need to see her to talk to her. But that means i have to out the NerveGear back on. What if someone still blames me and they trap me inside?

I could buy the new VR set but what if someone knows that its me? Okay now I'm thinking about it to much. I'm over reacting. Way to much.

"I want to get a new VR set and play ALO with you so I can see Yui and we can have our little family back." He smiles.

"Yui is going to be so happy to see you. You don't have to go back to the Virtual world just yet if you don't want to." i nod.

"I know but I'm done being scared. I hate being the weak little girl I am. It's sad and embarrassing. Kirito, I want to be unscared so help me."

"I'll do anything to help you. What do you need." I sighed. This is a crazy Idea. But the one thing that keeps holding me back from things everytime kirito gets close to me. It reminds me of what Yuno did to me. I need to get close to Kirito again. It doesn't make much sense or even Seem like it could work. But to me i feel like that's what i need to do.

"This isn't going to make any sense but i want you to have sex with me." he looks at me confused. "Not now. I'm talking about in the future. I think it will help me face my fears more. It really doesn't sound that smart but i just think that deep down it could help." He still looks a little uneasy. But he goes along with it.

"Okay. I'll do it. Not because you asked me, but because I want to. I love you and I want to experience the closeness with you in real life." i smiled. And kissed him. I love him.

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