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"Mommy!" I herd Yui yell. She turns from a little pixie fairy to her regular self, like she looked in SAO. I smiled hugging her. I missed her. "Yui!" "Mommy!" Shes adorable. "I missed you so much Mommy! When Daddy told me that you were going to start playing ALO with him I was so excited." She smiled at me and i smiled back. I looked up at Kirito and he was smiling too.

"So how do you like your new set up?" Kirito asked. I shrug. "It's okay. It's different than the NerveGear. Like look wise. Well and if i have a panic attack in here it'll log me out, if my pulse is to high or low, etc." He nods. "That's good, at least we know that you can log out." I agree then look back at Yui she seemed happy. That's good.

"You converted your SAO account right?" I nod. "Yeah It wouldn't let me create a new account. I tried." I just shrug. "That's weird."

"Yeah Mommy. Every new player is able to create a new account once they start this game unless they converted from another game. But you have a choice, to convert or create a new account."

"It's okay. I don't mind having my things from SAO with me in this game. I mean when you started you have your things right?" I asked and they both give me confused looks. "What do you mean?" He asked. I just pulled up my menu. The moment I logged in I had everything I had from SAO all my skills maxed my swords, my special ability, etc. Don't you when you convert to a new game?

I scrolled through my things and showed them all of my things. They both looked shocked. "You have everything from SAO in here. How is that possible? When I first plugged in and started I had question marks for my stuff. Except my skills. But still." He says and i nearly jump out of my skin, if that's what it did for him why did it give me my things?

"That's weird. Hmm? I don't understand why it would allow me to keep all of my things I mean. Look." Then I change into my outfit from SAO and my wings disappear. I chose the same class as Kirito. Well it was all black and it didn't show off as much skin. But now I have on my pink outfit from SAO.

"Woah, that's so cool Mommy!" Yui says. then she puts her hand on her forehead. "It seems like your character inside of this game has fused with your Sword Art Online character. Your account didn't even change. You have everything from from Sword Art Online in this game. The codes are the same. It's weird. I don't understand why the system is allowing a Sword Art Online player in it's server." she says looking just as confused as Kirito and I. It is weird..

"I don't understand why the system would allow me to keep my stuff. Its weird. But i mean hey, I got all my stuff." I giggled and they both nod.

After awhile of Yui and Kirito teaching me how to fly it got really Fun. I met up with Asuna and everyone else. It was really fun. I enjoyed it. Then it got pretty late and I decided I wanted to go to bed. I go to log out and guess what. THERE'S NO LOG OUT BUTTON! WHAT IN THE ACTUAL HELL?!

I quickly removed my log out screen and i headed back to the others. "Hey, I decided I'm going to log out see you guys tomorrow." I smiled and we all hugged said good bye. I watched everyone log out even Kirito... Yui stayed with me. Because she knew i was upset.

"Mommy. I thought you wanted to go to bed in the real world." I sighed. "I can't sweetie. Yui I have no log out button." she looks at me confused. "What do you mean. This isn't Sword Art Online." I just pulled up my log out screen and showed her. She gasp and grabs my arm.

"No, Mommy! This isn't fair! Me and Daddy just got you out, got you back to the real world. And now you're trapped inside another game!! Why is this happening Mommy?" She asked me and i just sat on the ground. Why is this happening?

"I don't know. But can you promise me not to tell anyone. I don't want people to worry, or get scared. We can figure this out together okay?"

"So not even Daddy can know?"

"Right, Daddy can't know. He worked so hard to free me and I don't want him to think that this is his fault. It's not. It's mine. "

"But Mommy.." I look at Yui. And she looks sad. She just hugs me and cries. "Mommy. I want you to be able to log out and have a real life out side in the real world. It's not fair!!" I hear her sniff and i pulled away from her wiping her tears. "Yui. Don't cry everything will be okay. I love you and so does your Daddy. I'll figure it out soon. You'll be able to spend more time with me right? I love you. How about we go stay somewhere tonight and get some rest okay?" She nods and we stand up. She holds my hand and we begin to walk towards the nearest town.

This is going to be a long night. I've grown used to sleeping in my own bed.

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