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I walk into my dads room in the middle of the night, I had a nightmare. I hate having nightmares. I'm a little to old to be running into my dads room because I'm scared but I still do it. I quietly sneak upto his bed and tug on his arm. He sits up slightly turning the small lamp on this nightstand on, rubbing his eyes looking at me.

"Are you okay Akane?" He asked in a sleepy voice. I look down at the ground. "Another nightmare?" I nod embarrassed. "Come on, you can get in bed with me and lay down." I smiled and get under the covers. "Thanks dad." He just turns the lamp off.

"You know You're 14 now. And you still need to sleep in your Papas bed when you get scared." He laughs slightly making fun of me. "I don't like when you say Papa, it's weird."

"Just go to bed silly." I'm glad he doesn't seem upset with me anymore.

When I wake up in the morning I'm still in my dads bed but he's gone. He's probably working last minute touch up for the game maybe? I don't know. It's all ready to be launched so I have no idea what he could be doing. Maybe preparing to launch his game he's spent so much time working on?

One week later

Today is THE DAY!!! My dad is launching Sword Art Online. I know he forbids me and all from playing it, but I'm going to play it anyways. I don't spend much time with my dad anymore and I just miss spending time with him. We only ever spent time together whenever I'd help him with SAO he let me work on it with him. Like I got to help design some one the places like town of new beginnings I helped name it and stuff. He said that he'd always want to remember me while he's playing the game so he let me help design and name stuff, whatever he means by that.

I made sure to leave a note on the kitchen table along with a cake I made explaining to him that I love him and that I'm sorry that I'm playing SAO even though he told me not to even though he never told me why he didn't want me to play and all that stuff. I hope he doesn't get to mad at me. It's Just a game after all, I don't see the harm in me playing a game. I won't be logged in for to long I just wang to meet people and see what they think of the game so I can tell my dad and make him happy. Because there's going to be people who probably love this game and I'm just excited!

I hope I can make lots of friends and try and get past the farthest I've ever gotten by myself. It's like Floor 28 I've gotten cleared by myself I think, I can't remember. Maybe it was 48? I was level 72 and all my skills were maxed, but I can't wait to start over. A new fresh slate, I love playing games, and to actually play with people and make friends while leveling up with them maybe even alongside my dad would be a dream come true!! It'd be like when I was younger and we played games together.

I shut off the bedroom lights and turn my A/C on, my dad taught me that it helps keep my body cool while I'm playing. I make sure to take a drink of my water before I put my NerveGear on and lay down on the bed. I can't help but smile as I say, "Link start!" I see the bright flash of colors then I get to customize my Avatar!

I make her taller, with pretty golden yellow eyes, short Golden yellow hair to match, tan skin. I'm going for an Egyptian vibe I guess. I mean I loved learning about Egypt and the Egyptian rual life about Cleo Patra and Pharaoh's tombs stuff like that whether It was real or false. I can choose a lip color, I didn't know that? Ooohhhh I'll do dark blood red, and I'll have my eye lashes longer, black and gold nails and I'm ready to go!

Wait I need a name, duh. I knew that. I had two names to choose from either my mothers name, Kaya (K-A-yah) or Xena (Ze-na) not to difficult to pronounce right? Or I could always us my middle name Yumi (U-mi) nah I'll stick with Xena.

Once I'm fully 100% done with my avatar I begin to play. I appear in a forest area and it's not to far from town, why did I spawn here? hmm? I'll ask my dad later. I run towards town and smile. This place is just as amazing as it was the first time I played, obviously better but yah know what I mean?

"Oh wow. You're pretty!" A guy with long red hair says standing in front of me, i didn't make my avatar tall enough, He's towering over me still. But maybe that's the way he put his Avatar?

"Thank you, I'm Xena." I smile. "I'm Klein, Nice to meet you." He seems genuinely happy with this place and talking to me.

"Do you know any Beta testers that'll train with me?" He askes, I shrug. "I'll let you know, k?" He nod with a smile before pulling up his menu and and doing some stuff then runs off. A few seconds later a friend request screen popped up in front of my face, I smiled.

"Awesome I have my first friend!!" I say to myself then press the green button to accept him. I'm glad that I decided to play today. I've made a friend! My dad will be happy to know that I still like this game. I've played it so long and I still enjoy it.

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