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"It's just you and me left, should we go outside and have that battle you wanted." knight smiled. "Yeah!" He seemed ready  Kirito and Sinon they died together. But they killed Sterben first. Which is good.

"Lets go Knight!" I yelled running out of the cave, "You got it Xena!" He followed and we were in the mountains. I wonder if anyone noticed that we were still alive? Like the people watching.

I got my sword and took my position. He had his gun out and smiled. "I won't kill  you, but just know that when your health is almost gone I win." I nod. "I don't plan to go easy on you, so be ready!" Then my second sword was in my hand. "How do you have two swords?" It was a photon sword one like Kiritos, i bought one as well. Because Kirito was enjoying it so much.

"So the boyfriend you were talking about is Kirito?!" Knight asked shocked. I giggled, "Did I forget to mention that?" I asked innocently. "Even if you have two swords, you're going down!" He reloads his gun and starts to shoot. I yelled running towards him, i used the sword to cut his bullets in half like Kirito did. And continued to get closer to him. He did shoot me a few times my health in the yellow. But I'm going to win.

I Jumped flipping over him and used my Photon sword to slice his arms off in the process. "How in the hell did you do that?! You really are amazing Xena." I smiled and took my pink lambent light striking it through his back.

"I can't wait to hangout in the real world. Were can I see you again."

"Well, Find Kirito and talk to him in the real world. Just tell him that I sent you, talk to him about the whole new body thing. He's really the only one i trust transferring me from the game to a body. His names Kazuto. And thats all the information I can give you because your health is at zero."

Then i sliced his neck with my photon sword. I swiped my pink lambent light around like Kirito does and put it back on my back. I turned off my other sword and placed it back into my inventory. I seen the huge winner screen pop up and The name Xena was on there. What? Oh yeah. I'm left last alive.


"Aussie, I'm okay, really. How is Kirito and Yui?" I asked. She sighed. "Yui is always asking for you and she's not going to stop until you talk to her, but now that You've been converted back over she'll be fine. Kirito is fine. He seems to be okay. He really misses you. Even though he can see you in the game. He still misses you out here. We were all walking by a shop yesterday and he pointed out something that you'd like and that he wanted to get it for you, but it's not something that he can get in ALO.I felt really bad, we all. Did. "

"I'm sorry Asuna. Can you please make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. Also, remember what you promised. If anything happens to me, please take care of them for me."

"I will, I promise. I love you. I'll see you later."

"Bye Aussie." i giggled. Then i hung up. I really wish I could leave this place too. But I can't. I'm all alone right now, everyone is at school and Yui has been transferred into Asunas account just until Kirito and I got back. It's been about a few days since the whole GGO thing. People were crazy. Over there. They were hounding me like dogs.

"Well, if it isn't Xena herself." I know that voice. I turned around it was Knight. "How did you find me?!" I asked hugging him. I was in Small shop inside of ALO.

"You're my best friend. I just Knew."

"So I'm your best friend now?"

"Well yeah, we were partners in B.O.B. and were both creations. You're model is probably older than mine, but You're definitely more advanced than I am by far."

"Did you just call me old?" I say placing my arms over my chest. His face turned red. "No, I didn't mean it like that. I just." I laughed cutting him off. "I know. I'm just messing with you. So why aren't you in like school or something?" He shrugged. "I guess, I don't need to be. And besides I rather spend my time with you. I talked to my creator about creating you a body and all, he said that he might be able to, but he wants to meet you first." I nod. Then he grabs my hand and laced out fingers together. He takes me somewhere.

"Where are we going?" I asked. "To talk to my creator and Kirito. I found him and there meeting in the real world right now, but if we go to your house we can video chat them. Kirito told me where to go and stuff." thats weird Kazu never mention anything to me about it.

We got to my cabin and I unlocked it. I begin to video chat with Kirito. And sure enough its true, Kirito and some guy are sitting together. "Hi Kirito." I say with  smile. He smiled back, I love his smile. "Hey Xena. This is Ren Yoshi, he created Knight, aka Keni Gushight." I looked at Knight. "You got Knight out of Keni Gushight." he nods. "Well, You're creative. I'll give you points for that. It's nice to meet you Mister Yoshi." I bow and he smiled.

"So you're the girl that is an A.I. the one stuck inside the game. How did your original body stop functioning?" He asked pushing his glasses up to his face adjusting his head to see me better. I glanced at Kirito and he slightly nods.

"After SAO. I wasn't getting involved into full dive things again, and then when I did full dive again, I was trapped in. A player killed me in ALO and My body was killed, the AmuSphere had nothing to do with it, my coding was just programmed that way. When i die in here I'll Be gone forever." He looked confused for a second.

"So you were in SAO for two years? Hmm? How did Kayaba allow fluids and the things they gave the humans into your system?" I shrugged. "I honestly have no Idea, my Father was a a very smart man. I wish I could ask him how He created me."

"So it is true. You called Kayaba your father, so You're the daughter he was always talking about, he might of created you, but he sure did love you like you were his own. I can try and see what i can do to try and help you actually log out of the game."

"Is It safe? I want to be 100% certain that if I allow her to log out that she'll be safe." Kirito seems really worried. It makes me happy that he cares so much. But one day I'll be gone and I don't want him to just give up on life because of It.

"I can assure you that everything will be safe before we transfer her mind and coding into a body." Kirito seems to calm down a little. "Kirito everything will be fine. I promise. I love you, now just trust me. Soon I'll be out there with you, I'll be home." Kirito smiled.

"So you can feel emotions like love and there real?" I nod. "Yeah, I believe so, when I was in SAO i fell in love with Kirito and to this day I still feel the same towards him."

"That's amazing, Keni can only feel emotions that are similar to real human emotions, knock off emotions if you will. I'm still trying to work on masking and copying the human emotions so Keni and be human."

"You don't know how to simulate human emotions. You just.. Just." then i feel like I'm glitching. "What's happening to her. Her eyes are glowing pink, does she normally do this?"

"No, this has never happened before."

I giggled, "You Idiot!" I yelled, remembering the fight Kirito had against Gleam eyes.

"You didn't have to use you're revival gem on me, thank you."

"You're my party member! I won't let you die."

"What is she talking about?" I just start remembering things randomly. "You're supposed to marry her so what do you want with me?" Then my heart starts to race as I remembered everything with Yuno, him pretending to be kirito, and just the awful things he did.

Why is this happening? I can't stop it? "She's unstable. She transferred from SAO, to ALO, then lost her body, then was stuck in ALO, transferred to GGO then back to ALO. I have to go. Thanks for meeting with me."

"DARK REPULSER!" I yelled and the flame on my pink sword was strong. "Keni, get out of there." Then the video call ended.

"Leave, you don't want to get hurt." I said then Keni left.

Its like i couldn't control my own body. I went outside and started to destroy things. Until Kirito showed up. "Xena it's me calm down. I'm sorry your going through this because of me. But i promise I'll save you."

"Akane, I love you. You know that just listen to me." That seemed to get through to me I dropped to my knees and passed out. My life is a mess

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