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"Xena!" I look up Asuna is smiling at me. "Asuna!" I say and we hug. She backed me up telling everyone that i can be trusted and that I'm a strong player. We stood around a table coming up with a plan for this raid. Asuna is know as Lightning Flash i believe because shes one of the best players in the knights of the blood oath's guilds. I wouldn't doubt it either, she's tough, strong, and can be ruthless if she needs to be.

We go and fight the boss. I have a secret power move no one knows about. I can power up my moves for a minute. And use any sword while I do it and attack multiple times at once. And some times I can use two swords at once dual wielding but, not always I've only used twice. It drains all of my energy and I don't have enough health right now.

I've been trying to help everyone from dying and I've taken a lot of hits. My health is in the yellow right now. But I'm going to kill this boss and get it over with.

"Everyone get back!" I yelled and some people listen while others don't. I hold my arm up with my sword in my hand. I take my eye patch off and closed my eyes for a second before yelling out a swords name.

"Dark Repulser!" My eyes glow pink and my sword transformed into a pink Dark repulser sword and shines bright. A my sword has a pink flame on it and then everyone stops to get behind me. I hold back my sword and focus all my power into my sword.

"What in the hell is that?!" Someone yells.

"That's amazing!"

"That's not possible!" I slightly giggle and closed my eyes. I hear the boss running towards me. "Why is she just standing there?! She's crazy!!" Then i open my eyes them glowing even more and use a power move, i yell running towards them as fast as i can I strike it once and one health bar is gone and then the last one is left. I yell and the flame on my sword gets bigger, the last 30 seconds i have with my power move. The longest I've ever actually had this last was 5 minutes but i was so determined and just angry at that time i haven't been able to last that long in a long time.

I keep striking the boss one hit after another until my move is gone. He has a little bit of health left and mine is in the red. He hits me making my health drop down to almost nothing but I stand up and do the final blow to this boss, clearing the floor but i dropped to my knees. People cheer as the congratulations screen pops up with confetti.

"Xena!!" Asuna yelled alongside Kirito. Then others realize that I'm badly injured and rush over here. I look at my health bar this is it. Its almost at zero. I didn't know I'd die clearing the boss on floor 47 that means when i was a Beta tester it was floor 28 i got too. I might be a high level but my health isn't fully maxed yet.

"What do we do?" Asuna says sitting next to me. I looked up at her. "You fought good Pink shadow." A guy from the guild says. I thanked him.

"Just leave me be. It's okay." Kirito sits down next to me tears in his eyes like Asuna. "We can't just let you die." He says hurt in his voice. I lightly laughed.

"XENA!!" I hear that familiar voice. "Hey Klein." I say weakly. "What happened?" He asked getting on his knees looking at Asuna and Kirito. "I wanted to protect everyone. I'm glad I got to say goodbye to everyone. You too Klein. I told you I was raiding this floor and you showed up even though i said you didn't have to." He wipes his tears.

"Don't die now god damn it!" He yells grabbing my hand. "Thank you guy's for being here for me. I played as a solo player because I thought I'd just hurt everyone. But I'm glad its me and not you guys." Klein opened his inventory and was looking for something.

"Kirito, please beat this game. I know you can. You're plenty strong enough, don't let my father win." I whisper. Trying to fight to keep my eyes open. "Make sure you help end this game, Asuna you keep this okay." I hand her my sword and she takes it. I don't have much time before I completely disappear, I'm fighting now to stay alive long enough to talk to them.

"Klein, if I was old enough I'd give you a chance to take me on a date. But you'll find a girl who loves you one day."

He smiled at me still looking for something. I wonder what? I hold Kirito's hand and closed me eyes. I feel my health bar reach zero finally and I can feel myself, my soul leave my body.

Klein's pov

I find my revival gem and take it out, her eyes are closed and her body is about to turn into pixels. But I just use the gem and hope it actually works. But her body disappears. What! No!!

"How did the revival gem not work?!" I say and then cry even more. She was so sweet, she only ever helped others and she gave her life to save everyone here. She never did anything to anyone. After a few seconds a bright light is seen making everyone look at the ground where Xena was.

"What's happening?" I asked. "I think it worked." Asuna said a smile on her face. the light started to sparkle and shimmer. I herd a few guys go oooo, aaaahhh, it was pretty. Then a shape of a body formed before she actually appeared. "Yess!!" I cheered. Kirito held out his arms and caught her so her body wouldn't hit the ground.

Just one thing is wrong. She's not wearing any clothes just undergarments. Why?! maybe because its her default setting when you first enter the game is naked. But did she lose all her stuff?

"Uhh, guys." Kirito said gaining everyone's attention. "Don't stare at her!?" Asuna said angry!! Then the whole guild left the room and i looked away. How old is she? She does a good job hiding her body. Wow that's creepy. I hear movement but stayed turned around.

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