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I opened my eyes and I seen Kirito standing across from the Kirito with wings again? Was that all real? Hmm? Maybe this is all fake too?

"You see Akane here is a loyal girl. I'm sure you know that. But once you add fear and suffering into the mix, she becomes very loyal, listens to everything you say. Here I'll show you." Kirito laughs and then pulls up a screen i closed my eyes, I don't want to watchit!

"Kirito get off of me!" I hear myself screaming for help. Eww my voice is ugly isn't it?

"That's enough!" I herd kirito say, I'd assume the one with the wings said it, but they sound the same.

"Wait, let's see another one. Maybe you'll understand why she's so loyal to me."

"Disobey me again and see what happens."

"K-Kirito, I-I'm sorry. It won't happen again." I remember begging on my knees as he hit me over and over again.

"Good now. Get on the bed."

"But I don't want to. Y-You j-just." I herd myself start to cry. "Oh so you're aloud to cry? When all those people from SAO didn't get to live. They didn't have time to say good bye to their families. While you got to be in a death game with yours. You're a murderer, a killer, you are Pathetic." i opened my eyes and seen them all watching It. Except Yui. She wasn't here?

"You don't understand what you've done do you? It's sad that you thought I'd come save you. Why would I? In Sword Art Online, all I did was use you for my benefit. What did they call you in there anyways? I know you had to have a huge advantage over everyone, you did create the game after all. Your name was Xena? Wow, so unique, yet you aren't. You're just a monster aren't you? But you know that. God you really disgust me. Maybe I should let you log out but tell everyone how it was your idea to make a death game so the whole world can watch you die. Maybe the day will come when somehow You're saved, and then you'll be free. But i doubt it. Because why would anyone want to free Kayaba's daughter? The girl who made the game, who named the game. The girl who wanted a death game. Remember what you said to your father one day? I bet you don't remember do you? He recorded it in his notes, but all I had to do is erase some words and it'll all be pinned on you." i gasp and they look at me.

"Oh so you remember now don't you? Say it." He demanded. I shake my head. "I was young. I was just joking, my father knew that. He told me. It'd be wrong and then we laughed about it. I was joking. I just thought the game was cool. I never meant for it to be real!" I yelled and then the chains were off of me. Kirito with wings ran over to me.

"Are you okay?" he asked I pushed him away and screamed. I fell to my knees and pain rushed through my body. I started to get so overwhelmed with emotions. I don't know what's happening.

I looked up at Kirito and he was messing with settings of the game he gave me an evil looking smirk.

"You remember. So tell me. Or are you still afraid of me? You see. I'm not really Kirito. I'm actually one of Sugo's workers. He gave me his passwords to all of his accounts and let me do as I pleased with you. I was trapped in SAO with you guys, and once I was free I had to do everything I could to come and make your life a living hell. Like you did for me. So having my avatar look like your boyfriend was pretty smart huh? Well, now that you are on the edge of suicide I'll reveal myself." He laughs then changes his appearance. He had long purple hair down to his shoulders bright teal eyes, a nose ring tan skin, he wore a teal suit to match his eyes and he had a purple sword in his hands that matched his hair. Hmm?

"My name is Yuno Yoshaba and since you're still linked to the Nerve Gears original System once I kill you, You'll die. And Since you are defenseless you'll die quickly. Wait let me set the pain meter for you down. And lets removed your boyfriend shall we." Then Kirito was placed in a cage i looked around Me.

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