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Logan is a teacher and happens to have some of the egos for students:P

It was his first day as the teacher. He was filling in for a few days while the other teacher got better after some emergency surgery. He knew that there were some students he was supposed to watch out for, but he didn't really believe it till now.
Chase and Patton were such chatter boxes, but would stop the first time he asked them till he was done talking. Dark and Virgil were at the back of the room just sitting there and Dark would go to pick on a kid but Virgil would only have to look at him and he would stop. Jack, Mark, Ethan, and Thomas were all sitting nice together and were probably the most well behaved kids there. Remus, Will and Anti were the total opposite, making all kinds of weird comments and just goofing off so much. Logan was going to have a long day.

This is pretty short sorry. I just wanted to have a cross of all of them and have them be little kids!

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