Chase's Hat

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Something happened and now Chase is 3 and it is very cute!

Chase had some how become a 3 year old, and was jumping all over the place. Seán was incredibly thankful that Evelien was over because he could really use the help with keeping an eye on Chase.
"JACK! WHERE IS MY HAT!?" Even though Chase was a toddler, he still loved his hat and couldn't find it anywhere. Seán was running around trying to find the hat now as well as following Chase when he saw that Evelien was wearing the hat.
"Evelien, can Chase have his hat back?" Seán giggled out known that Chase would immediately stop running around so he could get his hat.
She started to laugh as she called out to Chase, "Hey little man! I have your hat!"
As soon as Chase heard what Evelien said, he stopped in his tracks and ran over to her. "Evewien! Can I pwease have my hat back?"
Evelien laughed and had a huge smile on her face as she looked down at the adorable little version of Seán that was looking back at her with huge eyes. "You can have your hat back if you slow down for Seán, he isn't as fast as you are." Evelien almost started to laugh again when she saw the look on Seán's face.
"Ok Evewien. Tank you!" Chase gave her a big hug before he sat done to play with some of the 'toys' that Seán owned.
Later that day, Chase went up to Seán and Evelien when they were sitting on the couch watching him play. "Guys, I'm tiwerd."
"Ok buddy, come here." Evelien picked him up and held him.
As Chase drifted off to sleep he muttered "I wuv you guys...."

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