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Look at me publishing 2 parts in one day!

Mark and Amy had just welcomed a new baby girl into the world! Her name was Ava and they completely loved her!!! When they brought her home, Chica and Henry were all over her and Ava just loved them! The egos also fell head over heals for the adorable little bundle and any time the couple needed one of the egos to babysit, there would be a full on war to decide who would take on the job.
One time, to avoid all of the arguing, Mark and Amy decided that they would call and ask Chase if he would like to babysit for them since he had experience. Chase was there in a flash and had a ball with Ava! When Mark and Amy came back, they found Ava asleep on top of Chase's chest who was asleep on the couch with Looney Toons playing on the TV. From that day on, Chase was always their babysitter because of how great of a job he did compared to Mark's egos.

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