chapter 73

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:"kim taehyung stop... it's the police"

Taehyung didnt stop ge continued chocking yoona .
The police officer detached him from her . Yoona coughed so hard and sucked a breath hardly .

Yoona:"please dont let him kill me . I admit it i've done all what he said . Take me but please dont let him kill me"

The officer:" we have enough evidence already but u admitting your crimes will make it easier . Take her "

The other officers took  her away while taehyung sat there not moving only crying at the thought of his kookie getting hurt. He regret liying to him he could've told him about his plan none of this could've happened if he ever did . Now jungkook must be hating him , maybe he doesnt want to see him ever again, he thinks he cheated on him . The truth is taehyung never did and will never do , only jungkook own hos heart no one else . What if jungkook wants to get a divorce ? Taehyung will never accept , he'll literally die if jungkook leaves him .

The police officer:" kim taehyung i wont charge you for trying to kill yoona cause it's somehow a defence reaction against whatever she did ,  i suggest you go home we'll take care of the rest "

Taehyung:" that cant be my home cau jungkook aint there"

The police:" i don't know what happened but i suggest you try to solve whatever problem you have woth your husband . Good bye kim taehyung"

Taehyung got up and drove like mad around the city trying to think where jungkook can be . He called jimin 10000 of times but still no answer . He continued calling nevertheless.  After what seems like forever jimin picked up .

Jimin:" what taehyung? What do you want"

Tae:" jimin i swear to god i've never cheated on my kookie , jimin please i want him so bad i cant breathe jimin please i want jungkook  tell me where he is "

Jm:" tae you're okay? Try to breathe please you sound so bad ."

Tae:" jimin you don't understand,  jungkook is my life , i cant be without him please i want  him let me at meast hear his voice"

Jm:" i'll ask him first if he wants to call you "

Taehyung heard jimin whispering to jungkook :" he's crying jungkook he barely can breathe I'm afraid that something bad will happen to him . Call him at least , meet him and talk things out properly,  you're grown ups"

After seconds of hesitation jungkook took the phone from jimin .

Jk:" what?..."

Tae:" omg it's you jungkook my kookie, are you fine? Did you get hurt ? Did you eat ? Are you in pain?  How...."

Jk:" im fine stop asking alot of questions what do you want"

Tae:" jungkook i swear to god , i swear with every fibre in my body, i swear with my beloved dead mother i've never cheated on you and i will never do , heck i've never even thought about doing so . Jungkook please let me see you , i need to see you jungkook , i swear to god im gonna kill myself if you ever leave me , life without you is no life"

Jk:" no stop okay dont kill yourself not yet,  okay look let me think, let's meet okay we'll talk properly and sort things out . You better have a convincing explanation on why you lied to me and why were you with that i dont want to say her name . Gotta hang up now bye"

Tae:" jungkook wait i love you"
Beep beep beep .

Taehyung kept hitting the car with his hands and screamed so loud that people kept looking at him .

Tae:" fuck, jungkook i fucking love you so much come back to me"

Jungkook kept crying after hanging up . Everything was so overwhelming to him and the pregnancy didnt help he became super sensitive and he's been crying for god knows how long non stop . He knows it's not good for the baby but he coulndt get himself to stop .
Jimin hugged him and kept soothing him until he slept again from exhaustion.  Jimin's girlfriend was there all along helping jimin out . They were at her apartment  because taehyung will never suspect them being there .

Jimin:" poor guy , he kept crying since the incident happened . I thank god i was there i dont know what could've happened if i left when jungkook told me to do so , the baby could've died and jungkook too i dont want to imagine how bad that would be"

Sulji( jimin's gf and tae's cousin . Ps: im not sure if ever mentioned her name in ither chapters i simply donr remember so i just gave her another one) :" jungkook and taehyung went through alot , i hope they sort things out , it would be a shame for them to part while they both love each other this much i really hope they do "

The day passed quickly . Jungkook texted taehyung the place and the times when they'll be meeting . Which is 7pm at the same restaurant jungkook worked at since he was 16 , where he and taehyung first met .

Taehyung in the other hand was shaking he thought to himself :" it would be logical  to end things where they started , jungkook must want to end things with me , he'll ask me for a divorce , oh god please no , please no , please please my life with jungkook isnt over yet there are alot of thibgs we didnt do , we still have to raise our children together , we still have to grow old together , travel together be happy together , things shouldn't end this way "
Taehyung was panicking he didn't know how he'll ever take it if jungkook breaks up with him . Maybe he shouldn't go . Jungkook told him not kill himself just YET , not yet ... it means he'll have to kill himself at some point which is after they talk , that's it jungkook is hinting that he's breaking up with him later that's when taehyung will kill himself .
Taehyung went there anyway he should convince jungkook not to do so . He was now waiting impatiently for him to come .

Well  hello hope you like this one too . Lots of love and kissed i purple you all

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