chapter 6 ~~

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No one's pov
After hesitating jungkook decided he'd gather all his courage and talk with taehyung abt what happened last night . He had to clearify things with him so he can stop getting mixed signals
He reached tae's company and found no one at the reception si he just went staight to taehyung's office as he knew where it was from the last time he visited .
As he was abt to knock the door got oppened and a girl he recongnized as the reciptionnist went out : messy hair, swollown lips , shirt no fully bottomed . Jungkook wasnt stupid he understood what it meant he ignoerd the pang  in his chest and hesitated wheter to confront tae or go home and cry to sleep .
He chose the first option and entered the office casually trying to cover his sadness and jealousy .
He saw tae fixing his tie looking from the window.not to notice jungkook's presence behind him

jk: ahem ...

Tae turned around seeing the younger  standing there . He felt somehow guilty and didnt know what to say to make it up for him seeing he obviously witnessed the girl he couldnt remember what her name leaving with her after sex appearence. But let's face taehyung was a player he  broke a lot of hearts . What makes this boy any different he's like all his hook ups execpt the fact  they'll be stuck with each other for one year . He doesnt feel for the younger now does he? No he doesnt . He told himself that .

Taehyung: my my my , to what do i ow this pleasnt visit dear future husband ?

Jk: stop.ur sarcasm kim taehyung , cant u be serious for once in ur life?

Taehyung: u being angry doesnt mean u can talk to me this way young boy , u dont know what i m cappable of . We dont want to upset u now dont we?

Jungkook really wanted to slap away the smirk the older has on his face . It angered him even more .
Jk: what are u cappable of? Breaking people's hearts? Fucking around like the needy asshole u r? Kissing someome at night and having some other bitch at ur bed the next.morning?  U sure r cappable of a lot of things i gotta say i m speechless?

Taehyung: listen bitch , u have no right i repeat no right to come to my place and insult me . Futhermore why do u even care this my life i fuck whoever i want everyone know no feelings attached they knew what they got themselves into i ve never given someone a reason to have feelings for me .

Jk screaming furiously: then stop kissing me just fucking stop .

Tae: what are u talking abt? I only kissed u one time and u knew the reason stop mixing things

Jk : that's cause u had to be a difficult jurk and got drunk and i  was the one had to deal with ur drunken ass .

Taehyung didnt speak for a second as memories of last night came back to his mind
Taehyung: ha as i recall u enjoyed it now didnt u? I can remember ur soft moans dont deny it kook

Jk: humm... it's that ...

Taehyung: it's what? Just admit u.liked it

Jk: i seemed like enjoying it cause i imagined u as someone i love that s why i kissed back ..

If taehyung wasnt mad before now he is  he slammed jungkook to the wall not caring abt if his action maybe hurt the younger
Taehyung: someone.u love i said? Is it that jinnie.guy u were with last night ha? U were busy fucking the bitch  u are? U r not that innocent as u claim jeom fuckinh jungkook

Jk: what ? The fuck are u talking abt ? If i  didnt knew u any better i would say u r jealous

Taehyung: jealous my ass? U wish .besided we re both free to do whatever we want for now until we're officially engaged  .

Jk: whatever makes u sleep at night . Exuse me now i have somewhere impotant to be at

Then left . Taehyung was so furious right now , he punched the wall until his fists started dropping blood

Taehyung: fucking jungkook .. fuck u. somewhere important  my ass i bet he ll meet that guy . Meet him as much as u  can  u wont be meeting him starting from the day of our engagement just u see

Jungkooks pov
The hell is wrong with him he fucks around all day and then blame me for spending one day with my longtime friend . Aiish whatever it ll be easier for me to get over my feelings if he continues acting this way . But some part  of me still.hope he changes and commit with me maybe like me too. What am i saying that would be impossible he's kim taehyung we're talking abt .
I went to the restaurent i work at i had to make myself busy and forget abt the discussion me and fucktae had before
I laughed slightly at the nickname : fucktae it suits him well .
I took out my phone and changed gis to fucktae🍆💧💧
Then changed into my wotk colthes and started surving with a big smile om face . I really do love my work . I made lots of friends here . U see we have regular clients here and seeing that i m always smiley  and cheerful i seem to catch their attention and so we talk and boom we become friends .
I was surving the last clients when someone smacked my ass
I turned around ready to kill whoever did that to be grabbed by my hand and taken to the changing room with the man's hand on my mouth .
I bit his hand and screamed at that moment i wished god sends  me anyone to help me
I was helpless , slammed at the door with the man covering my mouth and sucking on my neck wishpering dirty words near my ear
I let my tears drop i didnt know what to do to save myself . I gothered all the courage i had a kneed the man right in his manhood and ran away screaming for help . The first thing that came to my mind is ran away and call someone to save me from the sick bastard that was sexually harrassing me .
I took my phone and called the first one on my contact list . Fucktae🍆💧💧
I waited for him to pick up as i cried while running down the streets .
Tae: jungkook?

Jk:* sniff* *sniff*.. tae please save me ....

Tae : kookie calm down tell me what happened where are u why are u crying?

Jk: he tried to rape *sniff* me ... help me tae

Tae: babe tell me where u are i ll pick u up right now are u safe? Where r u please tell me

Jk: i m running back home from the restaurant please come fast help me he's chasing me ..he's going to ..beep beep beep

Tae: hello.jungkook kookie . Fuck it

Taehyung was fast in his car he drove like crazy to where jungkook is . Luckily it wasnt that far it s only 5min by car but it was for much for tae to handle as he was now worried sick for the younger . He swore he ll kill the man if he ever found him.
As he reached the distination he stood there speechless
I felt like updating again hehehe
I wanna know ur opinion guys idk if i should keep posting or just delete it

wedding arrangement : J.jkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora