chapter 43~~

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Somewhere else
"Did u get his number right? "
"Yes i did , i'm sure it's the right one"
"Good, he must be freaking out by now, i would really like to see his reaction"
" u had to see him , he looked like he'de faint any second "
" HAHAHHA that makes me glad to know. Keep watching him, keep ur camera with u too , we dont know we might see something intersting "
" sure , u dont have to ask me twice "
Taehyung's pov
Having sex with jungkook made me really feel unbothered after the fight with baekhyun , he always makes me happy in his own ways . I dont know how bad my life would be if it wasnt for him . I waited for him to come back from the bathroom so i can take him out for lunch . And when he came he seemed distraught ? Did something bad happen in his way to the bathroom?
I walked immidiatly towards him . His gaze met mine and i knew there must be something wrong .
Tae: baby? What is it?
Jk: what?
Tae: is there something wrong?
Jk: no , i'm just tired that's all . Sex took all of mh energy . I'm sure if i eat something i'll be fine again .
Tae: dont u lie to me kook . I know ur liying cause evertime u do u play with ur fingers . Now tell me what's wrong .
Jk: how did u even notice that .. nevermind . I'll just tell u when we get back home .
Tae: promise?
Jk: promise .
Tae: okay . How about i take u out for lunch ?
Jk: u sure know how to make me happy . Food is life bro .
Tae: dont bro-zone me u fuckhead , i'm ur husband remember?
Jk: i just forgot fo a second . Thanx for the reminder.
Tae: say what?
Jk: i'm kidding hubby . I would never forget .
Tae: glad to know . I was about to bend u here and slap that ass of urs until u never forget that again .
Jk: can we still do the ass slap thing?
Tae: we were just having sex in the meeting room , u horny cute monster . But i would do that though when we get back home . So rest ur ass well .
Jk: aye aye captain .
Tae: what a child !!
jk: u still love me .
Tae: sure i do . Now let's go bunbun . I'm starving .
Jk: yeah me too , my tummy is growling , i need food like right now .
I laughed at his childishness and held his hand leaving the office .
On our way to the restaurant jimin called .
Tae: hello jiminie what's up .
Jimin:tae tae i missed u and kookie a lot . Can we meet ? I know it's lunch time and i thought maybe we can have lunch together the three of us .
Tae: okay . I have no problem with that . I'm currently in my way with jungkook to a restaurant , i'll send u the location .
Jimin: okay thank u . Give jungkook a kiss from me .
Tae: as if i would .
Jimin: kidding dude . Just tell him i said hi and i'll see him in few minutes .
Tae: okay okay . Bye i'm driving.
I hang up .
Jk: chimchim is coming right?
Tae: yes right . Why u suddenly seem so excited ?
Jk: i missed him that's why .
Tae: why do u only miss him . I want u to miss me too .
I pouted . I know i'm being rediculus.
Jk: i miss u all the time hubby . Even when  i go to the bathroom or the kitchen or just leave for few minutes i miss u .
Tae: i miss u even when we are with me . Not being with u is like being in hell.
Jk: why did we suddenly become cheesy ?.
tae: because we're young dumb and in love .
Jk: oh man ! That was the cheesiet thing u ever said . But love it .
Tae: glad to know .
Few minutes passed and  we reached our destinantion . I sneaked my arm around jungkook's waist just in case someone took interst in him he'd know that he's married and back off .
The waiter led us to a table and i had to make sure he wasnt eyeing jungkook or looking at him , luckily he wasnt . What? I know i'm possessive , i dont want  to share my baby . And of course jungkook being unware of my actions was happily talking about food choices. I'm really whipped arent i?  I didnt really make out what he was saying , i was admiring how perfectly his lips moved and how incridibly cute he looked excited about the food and out of no where i just shut him up with my lips, he seemed taken aback but responded anyway . We were busy making out when someone cleared his throat .
I pulled away ready to give a piece of my mind to the person but to his luck it was jimin .
Jimin: u people cant keep ur mouths for urselves for a moment. All u ever do is eating each other's faces .
Tae: u're just jealous u have no one to kiss .
His face saddened and i knew i fucked up he probaby still in love with jungkook .
Jimin: yes actually i'm pretty jealous .
He said looking at jungkook with a sad expression .
I didnt know whether i should hold jungkook closer to me or comfort jimin and apologize  . I pretty much did both .
Tae: i'm sorry jimin i didnt meant it .
And then i held jungkook closer while jimin sat beside me .
Jk:  chimchim , I missed u so much u never call .
He pouted and i had to restrain myself from fucking his mouth to stop him from pouting .
Jimin: i'm sorry kookie . Chimchim is really sorry he didnt call . Would u forgive him ?
Hearing jimin talking about himself in third person  made me cringe . Come on man jungkook is no child . Or is he?
Jk: kookie forgives chimchim . But u have to make it up to me though .
Jimin: how about i take u to the theme parc? Would u forgive me then?
Jk: ye...
Tae: do u realise u're asking my husband on a date right in front of me?
Jimin: oh okay , i'll just ask him when u're not with us .
I glared at him .
Tae: JIMIN dont test me .
Jimin: chill man .i was about to ask u to come too  . I would never hit on a married man .let alone ny bestfriend's man.
Jk: stop being rude to chimchim hubby .
Tae: stop being cute or i'll accidentally trip and suck ur dick in front of all these people .
Jk: oh shut up . U were litally banging me half an hour ago .
Jimin: i didnt really need to hear that guys . Would u please leave ur cringy talk for later?
Tae: shut up . I'm going to the wc baby. And jimin no funny business with my man .
Jimin: just go dude .
While tae left . Jimin and jungkook was fooling around with jimin telling him about a funny accident with a crazy women showing him the scars she left with her fingernailes on his neck and a little bit down his chest unbottoning his shirt a litttle to let him see .
Click click
They werent aware of the man capturing them with his camera . Oh boy something interesting is about to happen .

wedding arrangement : J.jkWhere stories live. Discover now