chapter 13~~

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The wedding date is approaching really fast . Jungkook's body can no longer keep  up with the severe diet and hard workouts yet he didnt stop .
Today as usual he was working . He already made a lot of friends at work which taehyung really hated . He would make a scene everytime he sees jungkook laughing or talking with other men or women . He would take him to "fake dates" from time to time to make the whole act convincing that's what he told himself but deep inside he enjoyed the younger's presence , he feels happy whenever he sees him smiling . Taehyung thinks that jungkook has the cutest and most heartwarming smile he has ever seen  it never fails to make his heart flatter it's like he want to protect the youngman and make sure he keeps smiling at any cost . But still he didng admit that he has feelings towards him .
Jimin promised to visit today so jungkook was pretty more exited cause he really cherich jimin's friendship and enjoy's his company they became really close these past days to the point that they tell eachother secrets and so . And this whole friendship of course annoyed taehyung  he couldnt stand seeing jimin and jungkook this close he felt somehow threatned by jimin and afraid that jungkook might fall for him and then marry him istead but he couldnt protest fearing that he mighg upset the younger.
Jungkook knocked on tae's office .

Tae: come in

Jungkook: sir i finished the work u ordered me to do . Want me to do anything else?

Tae: no kook thank u for ur hard work . U can call me by my name when we are alone okay ?

Jk: okay tae .

Tae: jungkook i dont wanna upset u but cant u try not to be this close to jimin . U might give him false hope than he already has .

Jk: what do u mean tae me and chimchim are just friends he wont mistake anything .

Tae: u really cant see can u? Jimin is so deep into liking u kook . U have to see the way he looks at u i dont know maybe he already loves u . Heck everyone can see it .

Jk: i dont think so . Jimin is just my friend u cant see him more then that even if he has feeling for me as u assume

Tae: i'm not assuming i'm stating the truth . Okay anyway i trust u jungkook i really do i dont have any complaint against the way u act with him cause i know that u are genuin and friendly but i cant garantee that he wont fall harder for u .

Jk: i understand ur concern tae . I'm not gonna break the deal anyway i'm a man of my words .

Tae: i wasnt actually concerned abt the deal i was looking out for u .

Jk: lemme say i'm flattered  . I didnt know u the kim taehyung is actually concerned abt someone other then himself .

Tae: u make it seem like i am some heartless jerk .

Jk: that u really are .

And that made taehyung mad . He snapped at the younger : dont talk like u know a damn thing abt me . U know nothing so u have no right to butt in life nor my personlaty . Now if ur smart mouth have nothing else to say u and ur judgemnts can fuck off . LEAVE.

Jk: tae i didnt....

Tae: i dont wanna hear anything jeon save ur words .

And right then jimin came in .

Jimin: hey hey hey  what's going on why y'all are fighting ?

Tae: ask him .

Jimin: what's happening jungkook why is he mad?

Jungkook was on the verge of crying: i didnt  mean to say that ...i was ... i m sorry ..

And then he left .
Jimin: tae tell me what's wrong what got u this mad ?

Tae: he was trying to be a smartass and act like he know a thing abt me . He doesnt and he doesnt have the right to judge me .

Jimin: be easy on him tae . I m pretty sure he didnt mean it . It may be difficult for me to admit it but jungkook likes u he really does i can see it in his eyes . U have to see how he follows u like a lost poppy and how he looks ay u like a love sick . Look he's even crying . He's ur damn man taehyung talk to him before it's to late . Someone might steal him away if u dont .

Tae : okay buddy i ll talk to him .

Taehyung went searching for jungkook .
For the last few days jungkook was dealing with a lot of stress which made him throw up everytime he was stressed  ( AN:it happened to me that's why i meantionned it ) . That's why he  was now in the bathroom throwing out while taehyung searching for him everywhere .

Tae: jungkook? Kookie u there?
Jungkook quickly washed his face and went out .

Tae: jungkook i'm sorr... whaT's wrong u r face is so pale? Are u sick?

Jungkook: i'm okay tae dont worry . I m sorry for what i said i didnt really mean it .

Tae: i understand jungkook and i forgive u . U can go home and rest u dont seem well . I ll pick u up tomorrow as usual.

jk: thank u tae.
As he was leaving he met jimin again

Jimin: yo kook u going home?

Jk: yep

Jimin : lemme drop u off on my way .

Jk: okay thank u jiminie .

In the cause he made tae angry .

Jimin: dont overthink it kook . Tae wont stay mad at u

Jk: ik he wont that's why i'm feeling more guilty .

Jimin: u dont have to . look u take a rest okay? Have some good sleep and when the morning comes tae will defently forget what happened . Now goodbye

Jk: okay . Thank u for dropping me off goodbye .

Jungkook then texted tae that he was home . He didnt have the mood to work out today so he just decided to chill with jin then sleep early .

Jin: kookie wanna watch a movie?

Jk: yes hyung . we really need to catch up . We didnt talk match these days .

Jin: yes right! I really missed u . Lemme bring popcorn and then we'll watch .

At the mention of popcorn jungkook frowned he didnt wanna eat . So he'll just act like he's  full .
He than had a dose of his vitamins chnaged into pajams and jumped on the couch with jin .
They chatted along while the movie is playing they laughed and teased each other and then jungkook went to his room to sleep befor jin call him out for diner he had to act like he already slept so he wont wake  him up .
The next day  jimin came to hang out with the couple as usual .

Jungkook: tae u r killing me with wedding preparation , work and a whole lot of meetings and so . Have mercy on me i'm still a little child cant u say .

Jungkook said dramatically

Tae: u r a drama queen kook i swear u r exagerating .

Jk: i m not a drama queen .

Jimin: the offer  is still on kook u can run away with me still two days for the wedding it's not to late . *wink*

Tae growled: jimin would u stop with trying to convince my man to run away with u .

Jimin: tae chill i'm kidding .

And again he actually wasnt , he really meant it  . and jungkook again laughed along with him .

Tae: kookie okay no more preparations i'll finish the rest  and no work for u tomorrow aor the day after . U have to rest before the wedding .

Jk: yo guys i have the best boss and husband hahahahaha

And they all laughed .

wedding arrangement : J.jkWhere stories live. Discover now