chapter 72

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Hello hello guess who's back
Well just finished my exams i know i kept you wait like forever but here we are again after god knows how long .
I hope you'll like this part xoxo
Casually updating after 5 months

Jimin came right after taehyung left he went overto the living room where he found jungkook snuggled on the couch hugging his pillow while watching tv .

" kookie how is the pretty man doing?" Jimin said while opening his arms to hug jungkook.

Jk:" jiminie i missed u . Im doing fine look my tummy is getting big can u believe it I'm going to be a mom soon"

Jm:" and im gonna be the favourite uncle . Let's sit you down we're going to have a lot of fun today"

Jungkook and jimin sat there catching up and talking about everything including the pregnancy,  their love life , the baby's gender and name , the baby's clothes and so . They watched a movie together and jimin cooked lunch for the both of them then they kept scrolling through instagram seeing they're friends and some celebrity news feed .

Jm:"jungkookie wait here im going to have a phone call then I'll be right back"

Jungkook nodded not averting his eyes from the tv .
Jimin went ouy calling taehyung .
Jm:"tae when will u be back?"

Tae:" chimchim hoaah hehehe i'll be bawck sown maan i'm having aloaaat of fuuun "

Jm: " kim motherfucking taehyung are you drunk? Get ur ass here before i kill u . Are you seriously doing this . I cant believe u "

Tae:" shuuush the monster's gonna heawr uuu . Bye bye chimchim "

Jm:" tae..."  beep beep beep . Seriously taehyung how am i going to keep junkook busy . He started having questions already .

Jimin went back inside .he found jungkook sitting unlike he left him laying . He was looking at his phone shocked and tears running from his eyes like a river .

Jm:" jungkook? What's wrong? Why are you crying ? "

Jk looked at jimin it was obvious he was in so much pain  got up and made his way towards jimin calmly gave him his phone and waited for him to see .

Jimin took a look.  They were pictures of taehyung and yoona together hugging and cheek kissing some were of yoona  sitting on tae's lap giving him sexy looks .
Jimin didnt know how to act or how to respond .


Jm:" kookie calm down it's not good  for the baby"

Jk:" hyung i want to be alone please leave "

Jm:" no jungkook im not leaving you alone "

Jk:" jimin please leave .."

Jm:" no im not leaving.  U need me here . Let's get u to bed and we'll talk "

Jimin took jungkook against his will and put him into bed . He was a crying mess , he didnt talk .

Jimin left to the kitchen to get him a cup of water and jungkooks left the bed

Jk:" im going to kill them both , im going to scream at him  For cheating on me until my lungs hurt ... baekhyun? What are u doing here?"

Baekhyung:" tae told me u're pregnant i came here to congratulate u .. why are u crying "
Baekhyun was talking while climbing the steps until he reached jungkook .

Jk:" it's nthg ... i guess my hormones are messed up because of the pregnancy "

Baekhyun:" dont worry u wont be having any messed up hormones soon"

Jk:" what do u mean?"
Baekhyun was now standing behind jungkook about to push him .
It all happened so fast jimin so all of it he ran towards them pushed baekhyun aside and hugged jungkook so tight preventing him from falling .

Jm:" omg jungkook are u okay?"

Jungkooks was now shaking he was panicking.
Jimin put him aside and took baekhyun by the collar and hit him so hard :" why the fuck did u do this? Why do u want him dead?"

Bk:" i didnt want to kill him . I just wanted the baby dead"

Jm:" why you motherfucker? Why do u want to end his life even before he comes to life "

Bk:" taehyung took everything away from me . So im taking everything away from him"

Baekhyun tried to shove jimin away but he coulndt . Jimin kept hitting him  until he passed out . He then took jungkook bridal style and ran towards his car layed the shaking jungkook down called the police and informed them abt what happened then drove him somewhere safe .

Jimin put jungkook to bed after e calmed down heloed him sleep the called taehyung .

Jm:" you motherfucker . U're dead to me okay? U out there having fun while the bitch and ur cousin planned on killing your unborn baby and husband , dont ever think abt getting back jungkook again . And yeah one more thing jungkook saw ur pictures . He knows you're with her . GOod luck on trying to explain what happened to him I'm sure he  wont believe a shit of what you'll be saying "

Tae:" what what the fuck ? Where is my kookie is he okay? Jimin she drugged me believe me i just sobered up a bit i dont know what happened please i want my kookie "

Jm:" too late for that taehyung too fucking late "
And then he hanged up .

Taehyung was now beyond angry he went towards yoom and shocked her .

Tae:" im gonna fucking kill you bitch"

Yoona:" tae please stop .. cough cough tae please. .."

Tae: " shut up  shut your fucking mouth up.  U tried to ruin i and jungkook's marriage , tried to kill him in different occasions  , kidnapped him and now u tried to end his life along with my baby. Ure about to witness a painful death "

Suddenly the door got broken

:" kim taehyung stop ...


Oof hope u like it

wedding arrangement : J.jkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें