chapter 44~~

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Chapter dedicated to kasumiuchiha2  it's her birthday today. Happy birthday honey 💜💜🎂


tae came back after a while .
Tae: so did u guys order?
Jk: nah  we were waiting for u to come back so we can oreder together .
Tae: oh how sweet of u baby .
Jimin: is it me or both of u have become quit cringy and cheesy?
Tae: shush my friend cant a man love his husband .
Jimin: u can love him later when u are a lone . I wanna eat u know?
Jk: okay okay . Let's oreder i'm starving .
After ordering we waited for our food to come . Luckily it didnt take long .
We ate while exchanging talk.
Jimin: so ? When are u starting university kook?
Jk: two weeks from now.
Tae: crap is it that soon already? Gosh i'm missing u from now .
Jk: me too right ? But what can i do . I have to study .
Jimin: so i happen to know some guy who is totally straight for ur information tae , who happens to be studying at the same university u'll attend . And i might've mentioned it to him and he said he can help u if u want and maybe be friends too .
Tae: no .
Jimin : what . U want him to be alone ?
Tae: i'll take him everyday and pick him up too . No need for ur friend .
Jk: tae i need friends too , u know how awfull i feel when i'm alone .
Tae: jungkook please no . We're not sure if he's really straight okay?
Jk: u know me tae i would never give him the chance to try something on me even if he was gay or bi . So dont worry .
Tae: fuck it . Okay damn . But i'll meet him first and threaten him a bit . Then u are allowed to talk to him to a certain limit.
Jk: omg thank u tae i love u so much .
Tae: u better make it up to me .
Jk: my ass is all urs all night long .
Jimin: oh come on i didnt need to hear that too . And tae i'll talk with him and tell him u want to meet him .
Tae: i hate u so much jimin . Why did u have to bring ur friend into this converstation .
Jimin: u love me man shut up .
We finished our meals then left ,jimin to his work and both me and tae to the company .
We sat in the office and something popped in my mind suddenly .
Jk: oh tae . I noticed something .
Tae: what is it?
Jk: where is yugyeom, u fired him didnt u?
Tae: why did u bring him up , do u miss him now?
Jk: stop it . I dont miss him , i just feel bad for the guy because he got fired because of me .
Tae: i didnt fire him . I just changed his work place to one of our other offices , u gotta thank god i didnt break his neck .
Jk: oh thank u baby .
Tae: love . Would u take these files to the the finicial floor . Find the director and ask him to revise them and send them back when he finishes .
Jk: okay . I'll be back . I'll go to the cafeteria too would want something from there?
Tae: no i just want u back fast
Jk: i wont take long . Just few minutes .
Tae: hurry up then .
I left and handed the files to the director . On my way to the cafeteria i met  the intern mingyu that was somehow a friend of mine since he started work .
Mingyu: oh hello there jungkook . How have  u been . Long time no see.
Jk: oh hi . I'm fine i guess . How have u been .
Mingyu: glad now that i saw u . Maybe we could hang out sometimes?
Jk: i dont know . we'll sort something out . I gotta go i'm in a hurry .
Mingyu: okay . See you around .
That's odd this is the first time he asked for us to hang out since i knew him . whatever . I brought a drink for myself and a coffee for taehyung in case he wanted and went back to the office .
Tae: come here baby .
I placed the drinks on the table and went towards him .
Jk: what is it ?
Tae: i wanted to kiss u . Is it bad that i missed u already?
Jk: oh tae u'll be the death of me .
Tae: just shut up and kiss me already .
We were kissing when my phone beeped again . I guess a new text messgae . I didnt care honestly all i thought about were tae's lips . But he suddenly stopped .
Tae: check it out baby . It might be something important .
Jk: okay .
I grabbed my phone and read the text along with tae . It was a new unknown number . It reads .
Watch out bunny . I'd be careful if i were u . XOXO.
What is this god . Why does this keep happening  to me .
Tae saw how panicked i was he hugged me .
Tae: love . Dont worry , i swear i wont let anything happen to u okay?
Jk: why do i keep getting these notes . I'm terrified tae .
Tae: what do u mean . did u get another note other then this? Oh wait that's why u were distraught this morning . What did it say?
Jk: they said that i had to be  careful where i had sex because someone might see , something along the lines i cant remember . They are stalking us tae specifically me . I'm scared.
Tae: what the fuck  is  wrong with these people what thell do they want from u ? Kook i'm calling the police . They better figure something out .
Jk: can we go home tae? I want to go home .
Tae: okay . Let's take u home , we can prepare diner together  and watch an iron man movie . How about that? I brought alot of banana milk we can drink some too .
Jk: omg u really are the best i love u so much .
Tae: i love u more .
He took few files along with him and we went back home .
We took a shower together and chnaged into comfy clothes then we started preparing diner.
Tae: i'll check my computer for any new emails and come back fast okay? Dont hurt urself .
Jk: okay .
Just when he left his phone started ringing . I called out for him but he didnt hear me so i thought maybe i'll see who's calling and tell he later when he comes back .
Looking at the screen i saw the name i hate most .yoona .what  does she want and why is she calling tae . He said he wont talk to her again then why is she calling m i picked up and didnt speak .
Yoona: tae u're still up for our meeting tomorrow?
I felt betrayed honestly . he was going to meet her behind my back?
Jk: it's me jungkook.
Yoona: oh? Okay give me tae .
Jk: he's busy . Werent u taught not to chase married men?
Yoona: i wasnt chasing him okay . He agreed to meet me and i had to confirm it . If u have issues u can talk them out with him not me . Clearly he got bored from u and maybe he's giving me a chance .
I didnt want to believe her words nit until i hear it out from tae .
Jk: have a goodnight .
And i hang up and placed the phone back on the counter . I suddenly have no appetite for whatever we're cooking now . And all of my insecurities flashed against my eyes . What if she's right?
Tae: kook?

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