chapter 66~~

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Tae: u know what i am thinking about?

Jk: what? I thought u slept.

Tae: no i didnt . I'm thinking that after 30 or 40 years from now , we would still be together and so in love like we just met , having few grown up kids and maybe grandchildren running around us . U know i would still love u even when we grow old , even if there will be younger and perhaps more beautiful guys then u , u'd still be the only one my heart will love and my eyes will look at . Will u still love me when i'm no longer young and beautiful?

Jk: i will . Of course i will . I dont think i'd ever stop loving u like u're the only one for me . Have u ever thought that if it werent for ur father we wouldnt be here today? Like it was a coincidence that we came across each other , looks like destiny planned this for us . I've never been happier in my life . If we go hack in time i'd literally repeat what i did again , i'd say yes to our faker wedding again , i'd do all if the things i did before , because it werent for these things we would never be together . I've never once regretted loving u tae .

Tae: our bed talk is so deep u see?

Jk: way to ruin the mood u stupid. What did u discuss with jimin before diner?

Tae: he went to the same bar that u went to the day of the incident and threatened the bartender . He told him that some girl he didnt see her face gave him alot of cash just so he can drug ur drinks . And he did . After that he said he didnt see what happened cause the bar got busier . And i happened to find yoona talking on the phone once she saw me she panicked and hang up . I'm pretty sure she's behind all of this along with someone else . Like we only need few more evidence so can catch her .

Jk: do u think i'm ruining what u worked hard for?

Tae: i've never said neither thought about that baby . I'd throw myself from a plane if u tell me to and i would never question u .

Jk: i guess i was so selfish asking u to stop the plan . U guys worked so hard on it and here i go acting like a obssessed teen girl possessing about her long term boyfriend . I guess u were right i rushed my decision . u can still act and carry on with the plan tae , i'm not objecting anymore . But please try not let her touch u .

Tae: jungkook are u sure u want me to do this?

Jk: i'm not sure . But i'll try to cooperate . I hope this will end so soon .

Tae: dont worry baby . U dont have to exhaust ur beautiful mind . Everything will be okay . Let's sleep now okay?

Jk: goodnight love .

Tae: goodnight hubby .

Jungkook's pov

Next day i had problems waking up . I couldnt stand properly because i had a killing pain on my back . My body felt weak . I called out for tae who was busy taking a shower . He came running towards me naked all worried .

Tae: wut's wrong baby did u get hurt somewhere? Are u okay? Did something bad happen?

Jk: if i wasnt hurting u'd be drooling iver ur naked body . But omg i have a shooting pain on my back . I just fekk trying to get up .

Tae: wait here i'll call the doctor . Dont move okay?

I nodded and waited for him while massaging my back trying to ease the pain . I dont know what happened to me .
When the doctor came he did a check up .

Doctor: he has ligament strain. it is usually caused by repeated heavy lifting or a sudden awkward movement which leads to straining back muscles and spinal ligaments.

Jk: i didnt lift anything heavy so i guess i did an awkward movement.

Tae: u gotta be careful baby . Doctor is tgere any treatment or things we can do to reduce the pain .

Doctor: he gotta rest and do a regular massage to his back , also avoid lifting heavy objects , and when he gets better he has to do few exercices to prevent such pain in the coming times . Get well soon . Goodbye mr kims .

The doctor left . I sat there pouting cause i knew i wont be moving a lot and i had to stay home and not go to work . Tae sat beside me and held my hand .

Tae: dont worry me again baby , please dont exhaust urself .

Jk: tae i dont wanna stay home .

Tae: dont pout love . It's for ur health . I wont risk u getting hurt more . I promise i'd check up on u once or twie during work and i'll call u every chance i get . if u need anything or felt any kind of pain please call me . I'll leave for work now.

I sat there  alone after tae left . I was totally bored . My phone rang .

Jk: wut to u want?

Jm: looks someone didnt get  to suck a dick today . What's up dude why r u so grumpy?

Jk: i have a fucking  pain in my back and now i have to stay home all day alone till i get better . Tae's alone in the office and that stupid bitch yoona might try to make moves on him .

Jm: woah man that sucks . Want me to come over?

Jk: yes please save me from my boredom . Bring some snack and two boxes of pizza i'm hungry .

Jm: anything for  my bestie . I'll be there  in 30min..

Jk: i'm waiting . It's not like i have something better to do. Whatever bye bye see ya .
  Again dont mind my typos nor my mistakes . Bye bye

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