chapter 3 : ~~

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This is how the boys look in this chapter ^^

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This is how the boys look in this chapter ^^


Jungkook could hardly sleep that night, mind too filled with anticipation of the fake marriage to rest. He was determined to hold on for at least a year, the minimum amount Taehyung had asked for in order to make it seem believable, because he really really didn't want the older man to back out of his side of the agreement. His life would be so much easier now that Taehyung was paying for his university and giving him a solid, well-paying job. Looking over at his alarm clock, he sighed in frustration seeing the blaring red numbers read 7:00. He'd hardly gotten enough sleep, but he still pulled himself out of bed, going through the motions of his usual morning routine without really thinking about it. Turning on the TV to some mundane morning show and settling down with a bowl of cereal, he tried not to doze off until ringing phone captured his attention. Looking at the caller ID, he saw that it was Taehyung, and pushing down the nerves that bubbled up whenever he thought about the man, pressed the accept call button.

"Good morning Mr. Kim." Jungkook tried to not let his sleepiness seep through his voice.

Taehyung's deep voice reverberated through the line, sending shivers down Jungkook's spine that he blamed on the cold, despite being wrapped up in a blanket. "Good morning pretty boy, and please, Mr. Kim is my father. Calling me that makes me seem way older than I am, like I'm some old man preying on a baby boy."

Jungkook bemusedly laughed, questioning "Then what should I call you?" Taehyung decidedly ignored his question, instead replying with "I'll be outside in five minutes, don't keep me waiting." Jungkook let out a noise of surprise, about to protest when he heard the dial tone, and instead leap to his feet and rushed to get dressed. Hurriedly brushing his teeth and dragging his fingers through his hair in a desperate attempt to get it to lie flat, he stumbled over his own feet as he reached for his coat and keys.

He made it outside to find a black car with Taehyung leaned effortlessly against it. He was wearing white matching shirt and pants with a box-like pattern over it, adorned with a baby blue coat resting on his shoulders. He looked up as Jungkook approached, flashing him a sexy smile, and Jungkook could feel his heart melting in his chest at how soft he looked. Taehyung gave him a once-over, nodding in slight approval as he complimented, "You look so cute."

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