Chapter 58- The Oath

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"I don't know why are we even listening to this. This isn't the part of our meeting!" Dr. Carlisle snapped at me just as Bryce handed the data. Dr. Tanaka said nothing as he took it from his hands.


I was buying time.

And I was still on borrowed time.

"I will hear what the evidence has to say." Dr. Chandra snapped back at Carlisle, her use of that tone surprised the fellow doctor beside her. The low hum of confusion and strangeness filled in the hall as the audience began discussing among themselves about the sudden outburst from a patient. Harper kept her eyes on me, saying nothing but her expression was cautious as it moved to Declan.

The AVP was trying to get the attention of his lackies in front but at the moment was failing. Dr. Tanaka took the disk and attached it to his laptop. Though the audience won't be able to hear it, the board members will surely. I turned my attention to Landry as Kyra and Bryce took their seats back. He was gaping at them as Bryce flipped him a bird.

Dr. Tanaka played the disc.

The recording was faint to my ears but I knew what was being played.

"At first, I thought you were getting preferential treatments but then! You never did what normal doctors should do" laugh, "And that's what made you different in the eyes of attendings and senior residents. I thought.." pause, "I am not that privileged like you, my parents don't have millions of dollar and high hands of recommendation to get dual degrees, it was always an unfair game! You were already steps ahead of us and Dr. Ramsey? He's like you are the only one here!"

Dr. Tanaka and the others on his side frowned at this, slightly confused.

Then the confession came.

"But sometimes, when you have favour from your Med School, it could help! I had helped that guy from Yale once and now, thankfully he was in mechanical engineering!" "I called him here, and at night snuck him inside. I knew the cameras here never worked and he did his work. After I saw you coming from Dr. Ramsey's office looking as if your life has ended..." laugh, "Think about it...your life would have actually ended and no one would have cared!"

Dr. Chandra and Dr. Loyoza gasped at the same time, and looked at me, their eyes wide.

Then Bryce's voice came, "She is the best medical intern here, and she always will be. If you dare come near her again, you will have to face us together. I suggest you get an attorney soon because you are about to land some serious charges of attempt to murder."

"You can't prove that!" he protested, "You have no evidence!"

And then Dr. Rosario played the pendrive Bryce had given them.

All while none of the cameras worked in the hospital itself, I knew that every corner of the R&D was being always monitored. Every camera there, recorded everything as the eye of the God. Which was why, the hallway I came through the service area, one of those doors led to the elevator chamber, a detail Bryce had found out when he was sitting in the security room.

Sienna and he then together, played back the recording to the day the elevator was demolished. And to thank all the gods in the universe, the camera recorded everything. Every bit of detail.

Detail how Landry knew the way to the service elevator by the favors of the nurses. They saw how he snuck another guy into that area where the security was none. They saw how he left that guy and walked down, perhaps waiting for me to come around. He found me walking towards exactly the elevator he wanted to. He had planned it the moment I had gotten inside Ethan's office.

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