Chapter 43- Investigation, but we are no pro

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Ten Years Ago...

I slumped to the floor of the hospital, making everyone around me pause to look. My cheek hurt where my father had slapped me, a reeling of pain radiating from my chin to my eye. I was unable to open my right eye, where the first slap from my uncle had landed.

I sobbed against the floor, unable to get up and tried to push myself. I felt ashamed because I was a disgrace.

"Hopeless, Charlotte Turner, you are Hopeless..."

".....Shame to our family! You disgusting vile pathetic worm!"

"No hate in the world is enough for will wiggle your pathetic existence with sorrow and misery, I promise you!"

They were the words which my parents and uncle Shawn showered upon me right there in the eye of my family's legendary hospital. I wanted to spit at it.

I tried to push myself again but the swimming and pulling Sylvan out of the water had left me drained and now, the assault from my family. I shivered because I was still in my swimsuit and drenched with water. But I ignored it.

I tasted copper inside my mouth and realised I must had bit my cheek when the slap landed.

It was peaceful few months since Sylvan came. My father hadn't hit me during these times and I thought, maybe finally I was becoming good enough for my family. But today I realised that I wasn't.

"Shawn...please, it's not her fault." The soft voice was from Daniella. I jerked my head to her in surprise. Was she taking my side?!

Shawn's eyes blazed fury, "She is old enough to have saved our boy! Yet she is breathing while he is fighting to live!"

My father at that moment reminded me of the ruthless leaders the world had seen in the turn of times. The one who didn't think to ponder twice before acting upon. But that case happened only when it was related to his daughter. My mother had flinched when I smacked to the floor but kept her voice quiet. She knew better not to provoke my father in front of anyone because that would lead him to beat me more.

Daniella's hair was tousled and her eyes bore dark circles, "She couldn't have stopped Sylvan. Nobody can stop Sylvan from doing what he wants. And no one should."

A sob rocked when I heard the defeat in her voice. My aunt was a very strong woman, even par with my mother but today, she was just like a normal mother would be when her child was struggling to live. Even with her efforts, no one bothered to pick me off the floor. They all talked among themselves, and today forgot me, leaving me there.

A nurse, showing pity gently pulled me up and handed me a cup of water. I coughed but took it all in. I was strong. I was a Turner and I could take anything in.

My brother Sylvan was a Turner and he could take anything in too. He would live. He had to.


The guard's eyes widened at my picture.

I stopped dead and gasped, unable to believe it.

Then a lazy smile crossed over my face.

"You really look like you are working here for long." I said, smiling.

"And you look like you are about to do some serious inspection." Rafael smiled back and motioned me to come inside. The door behind me closed with a tringe of metal. The corridor was long and polar opposite from where I came through.

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