Chapter 32- Dangerous Waters

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I had to do something to bring me back to reality.

Turning behind, my eyes fell on an arrogant pen—probably made up of bloody germanium for all I cared. I snatched it and stabbed it in my thigh.

The nib seared through dress and then my skin. Pain swelled up immediately, forcing me to bite my lips from walloping out. But that managed to pop the phantasm-bespangled bubble I was cocooned in.

"Damn...that hurt." I wiped tears that edged for complete different reason and removed the pen, tossing it back. A small bead of blood dripped from the minuscule wound, sensitizing the area as I intended.


I just kissed Dr. Ramsey.

Like really kissed the man whom I have been...cosmically attracted to for a lifetime—after slapping him hard across face. And I was still leaning on his desk, legs shaking and heart galloping like a wild horse. And my lips tingled from his sensation.

How the heck that even happened? And most overwhelming part—he was the one who kissed me first!

Closing my eyes, I groaned loudly.

My head buzzed. That was not an imagination. It was a deep truth unveiled. It was fulfilment of my heart's deepest longing in the most perplexing manner, reverting through my soul as a distant celestial collision—incapacitating me.

And it felt so damned freaking good. I would be the biggest liar in history of human civilization if I denied that.

How or why weren't the right questions! Hands down, we kissed—pushing tornado of emotions against each other as if two soldiers rushed to claim epitome of ecstasy. My fingers could still express the sensation of coursing through his soft golden-brown hair, and then the sharp lines of his jaw—strong, proud and prominent. And his soft, so impeccable...

And he ran away from me.

The forerunners of all foreboding senses danced in my body.

Dr. Ramsey ran away and the last thing I remembered was seeing his confused, bewildered and strained expression intermingled with fear, anticipation and apprehension. And I remembered his words as well.

'That wasn't supposed to can't.'

What was I supposed to do now? I couldn't even dare to think what was going to happen between us. It would be impossible to stare at his face and not reminiscence this moment. Maybe it would fade when my ashes mixed in earth.

But right was a terrible problem.

I covered my ears and probed my mind to come forward.

Talk. I ordered.

It immediately picked up as if waiting. Sorry, you're kind of indisposed at this moment. Sure you don't wanna take a bit more time to calm your nerves?

No. kissed your boss. And the man whom you've been pinning for what, seven years now?

I was not pinning. That was mere soughing inspiration. I protested, unavailing.

My mind brushed a cooing hand. Sure. Whatever lies you wanna tell yourself. But right now, we must not delay further. Your issues have become more complicated after his intervention.

It was not his intervention alone. I chewed my lips, flicking my tongue over it. Damn I could taste....

Both of you felt wonderful. My mind stated.

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