Chapter 27- Unsteady Decisions

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In morning, I tried my best to forget about the murder. And the patient. And those words.

I ditched the phone inside the locker, like usual and dropped my pager inside my pocket. I never understood the meaning of them in 21st century but well, beeping was better than blasting Beyonce.

I had to come straight from whatever location Feds spruced their rabbit hole. Vasquez was the one who drove me and again, I was thankful for spare clothes I always kept in locker. But on other hand, my face screamed that I had the worst hangover ever. Not all of us had tensile immunity like Dr. Ramsey.

Sienna and Landry were here somewhere so I walked towards atrium in hopes of finding them. Instead, the medical cohort of Edenbrook was gathered. I panicked. Why was everyone here? Did I miss some announcement regarding this? Was it the competition—

"Charlotte." Sienna caught my attention and I padded near her, noticing Landry. If I appeared like a fallen dead petal, he was the freshest bloom.

Those green eyes of his were stormy, "Where were you last night?"

I froze at that tone, "Uh, I got hold up in a case...cerebral palsy."

"And you couldn't have bothered to send me a text?" he took a step in my direction and I had to wend back because he was intimidating this moment. "I was worried!"

Raising my hand, I tried to dissuade him, "Landry...relax. We've pulled 24 hour shifts before...I forgot to send you a text." and why are you so fired that I didn't. You are my friend, not my boyfriend or father!

He shook his head, face red from—anger? "No. You did that because you don't care about me! Nobody does!"

The last word was pitched, drawing attention from few doctors nearby. Sienna tried to calm him down but Landry wasn't having any. What has gotten him this morning? It couldn't be simply me!

Then, he lunged forward and grabbed me by shoulders. In shock, I lost my axial balance and slammed forward into his chest! A few people sniggered, making me flush before I steadied myself. Sienna bit her lips, attempting to enjoin but Landry, oh boy, his grip was hurting. It was not painful, but it wasn't comfortable either. And not to mention the way he was seething as if I had stolen all his munchies and parcelled it to Hannibal Lectar.

...okay, this was not the time to joke.

"Landry." I grew concerned, "Are you alright?"

" have to understand." he whispered, voice unsteady, "I got worried. You know that? I got worried about you. Please understand that."

For a moment I wanted to push him away and scold for this behaviour but the sincerity in his eyes quenched me. He actually was worried about me...and it was unexpected but, sometimes people expressed it more passionately than others. But he didn't know concern wasn't the only way people expression their passion. There were severe methods too.

I sighed and then smiled, "I understand, Landry. I do." and winced when his fingers dug to my shoulders. Gosh, were all these men secretly taking cromlech-lessons from Dr. Ramsey?!

"" his eyes went supple. There was hint of vulnerability in them, a cornered being that wanted to speak out. I knew Landry was struggling with everything too. His mother was ill, he had to spend all his scholarship money on her bills and now to live in Boston, he was doing a back-breaking work till late hours. His endurance should be lauded.

"I do, Landry." I squeezed his shoulders in return, "And could you please stop showing how beefy you are becoming? Find Bryce to gallivant about it."

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