Chapter 26- Rippling Trajectory

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I perforated the most pathetic squeak, "What?!"

"You heard me correct." the doctor-er, agent Arnold nodded and waved, "Quick, I'll inform you further en route."

I shuttered for a couple of seconds but this man was serious. Like deadly serious and if Dr. Ramsey was already on the way, I needed to be there as fast as possible too. Plus, I didn't think this Arnold guy would want me babbling for identification again—which I was gonna do anyway. So, I just ducked back to Sienna who was standing with hands on her hips.

"What happened?" she immediately asked.

"I have a case now." I said, which was of course not a lie, "One of my patients, a girl with cerebral palsy had a seizer. Her parents are freaking out. I need to see this." I gave her a quick hug, "Don't walk, its late. Tell Henry to call you a cab."

She grimaced, "It never gets easier, does it?"

"I know." I smiled and hurried away with Dr—er, Agent Arnold. Apollo, I have to stop making assumptions about everyone at Edenbrook. Lesson learnt: Edenbrook was full of supernormal events and people, and surprise was its surname, even if it didn't have any. Vie pathétique!

We rushed to parking lot, my heart speeding up with every step. I haven't been to this side, Eastern section of Edenbrook which was constructed above a huge and hollow parking space lined with cars varying all ranges. Gosh, there were still so many places of Edenbrook I have yet to see. There wasn't time to drool over a couple of sleek models as a Mercedes came into view and Arnold Sully opened the driver's door. I jumped to back seat as he gunned the engine and soon, we shot out like rocket from parking lot.

Next couple of moments went in silence and my mind sparked antsy messages all around. This was happening...this was actually happening. I was with Feds and there was another case of this mysterious illness which we weren't sure what it was in first place. And the similar patterns of cases collected from Dr. Banerji's safe implied it was fatal.

I withheld the shudder by exclaiming at the person in driver's seat, "Wait, you are a doctor and an agent?!"

He barely moved a muscle in his face, evidently visible on rear view mirror, "I'm posed as a doctor while I aid Dr. Ramsey. I have no degree in medical sciences."

"But that day—" I let out a low curse, "You weren't there to 'aid' Dr. Ramsey. You were shadowing him that night at Highwater, isn't it?"

His eyes widened, merely, "How did you conclude that?"

"I'm a doctor." I stated and stamped in, "What's the situation now?"

"You don't have clear listening skills."

Crossing my arms, I reprised, "It's unfortunate that most of us don't have special spy training to hear like elephants."

"Hear like what—" he shook his head, "Never mind. I repeat myself again, with additional details. Twenty-two minutes ago, a speed racer boat crashed on shores of Georges Island. Coast Guard sealed the scene at instance and found body of a man inside, surrounded by black blood. We were notified and we are sure this is yet another case akin to Council Black."

My own circulation frosted, arctic ice, "No..."

Agent Sully met my eyes from mirror, "You weren't supposed to be involved. Federal Bureau didn't give approval. I just managed to get ahold of your file but Dr. Ramsey thinks you have potential to help him, and we have facts that Dr. Ramsey isn't wrong most of the times."

We have facts, not faith. I thought. Feds didn't deal with sentimental rapports. They would snuff out everything about you like an open book from their mega database, even including the grimiest details of your life. I had no doubt that they knew everything which went down at San Diego ten years ago and it got me worried thinking if their mediations wouldn't be as confidential as they paraded on about. What if Dr. Ramsey found out about me?

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