Chapter 58: The New Crown

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Prince Nayoko of Valla

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Prince Nayoko of Valla

"We did it!" Elise cheered as she passed her staff over my wounds. "We did it, we did it!"

We were sitting on the floor in the throne room, administering first aid to each other while we waited for Elise, Sakura, Felicia, Flora, and Jakob to get around us all. Hinoka was applying pressure to Camilla's shoulder. Takumi and Leo were bickering good-naturedly about their aim. Xander and Ryoma were sitting together, speaking of their fighting styles. Kass was on Xander's other side, cleaning his wounds. Azura was sitting beside Ryoma.

"Mother, Father," she murmured. "We did it. We finally did it." She looked at me. "Thank you, Nayoko. I'm so glad that I met you. At long last, the people of Valla are safe again. We are a smaller population then we once were, but for even some of us to be saved is enough."

I looked around at everyone again, and I was glad that I'd met Azura, too. I was glad that we were all alive and that our kingdoms were finally safe. I was also glad that we had truly come together at last, all the cracks filled in. This fight to save the world had bonded us forever.

On my other side, Semyaza was leaning against me, having just had her wounds healed. I put my arm around her, and she smiled contentedly. I didn't have to tell her how relieved I was that she was safe anymore. She knew. I could see it in her eyes.

Elise moved on to Azura, and I looked at the Vallite princess again. "Congratulations, by the way. You'll be the Queen of Valla now."

The others quietened, their attention falling on us. But Azura shook her head. "I don't feel that I'm suited to being a leader. I was hoping that I could pass the crown on."

"What? To who?"

She smiled. "I hated to ruin Kass' fun, but I knew who was the oldest all along. It's you, the chosen saviour. And so I wish to pass it to you. If you're willing, of course."

I hesitated.

"Nayoko would make a perfect king," Ryoma said. "He has been a strong leader from start to finish during this campaign. Even I have followed in his footsteps."

My cheeks threatened to burn hot. "That's unreasonably high praise."

"No, it isn't," Xander said. "Without you, Anankos would still be here, and we would all have died."

I looked at Kass. She raised her eyebrows. "Don't you dare think about being generous to your little sister. I don't want the damn crown. You have always been the king of our group."

I smiled. "Fine. I suppose the prospect of ruling my true home country excites me."

"I trust that the hero chosen by Yato can lead the way to a bright future for us," Azura said.

Semyaza sat up straighter. "Congratulations."

"Yeah, congratulations!" Elise cheered.

The others chimed in, raising their weapons to me like glasses of wine.

I laughed. "You'd better keep visiting me. I'll miss you all."

"You won't be able to get rid of us!" Hinoka promised.

"The curse will be lifted now that Anankos is gone," Azura said. "The existence of Valla will become common knowledge again."

"Then I'm certain you will have royal visits in abundance," Xander said.

"Good." I grinned at him and Ryoma. "In which case, it's about time that all three kingdoms formed a permanent peace treaty."


When everyone was healed and able to walk again, we all stumbled outside. We went back down the steps and through the watchtower and gathered together on the grass. Then, with a good view of Valla spread out before us, we prepared to make our pact.

Xander, Ryoma, and I stood in a small triangle as our families gathered around us.

"In the name of the First Dragons," Xander said, "I, Xander, speaking for the Kingdom of Nohr..."

"And I, Ryoma, speaking for the Kingdom of Hoshido..." Ryoma said.

"And I, Nayoko, speaking for the Kingdom of Valla," I added, "vow to keep the peace between us."

Xander and Ryoma shook hands. Then they both shook hands with me.

The merciful King of Nohr, the generous King of Hoshido, and the visible King of Valla.

Elise grabbed hold of Sakura. "Yay! We're friends now!"

Xander and Ryoma drifted away to Kass and Azura respectively. Camilla engulfed Hinoka in a sudden hug. Takumi and Leo started bickering again.

Semyaza came to my side. "Congratulations, King Nayoko."

I smiled. "It feels odd to hear that title. I suppose I'll have to get used to it, but I'd like to make an exception for you again."

"All right...Nayoko." She seemed hesitant to say my name now, and I could feel the question mark hanging in the air between us. Suddenly, I was the ruler of another land. Where did that leave us?

I looked around at the others, close enough to eavesdrop, and took her hand. "Come with me."

We slipped away, back around the side of the castle so that no one could see us. The air was soft and still, holding that little bit of warm magic summer brings. That season, I knew, would soon be on its way: winter was over, and the worst part of our lives had drawn to a close. All was at peace.

Semyaza drifted to a stop, nerves written all over her beautiful face. Weak sunlight framed her from behind, circling her dark hair with a golden halo. It struck me that even in my most dizzying moments of love, I'd never likened her to an angel. But I did remember the way she'd looked the morning after the disaster at Cheve, when she'd come up to console me on the fortress ramparts, her cloak flying out behind her. I'd likened her to a queen.

"Semyaza," I said, "you know why I keep telling you to drop my titles, don't you?"

She nodded slowly, but she didn't say anything.

I wanted her to hear the words. It was about time she did. "It's because I don't want to be your lord. I want to be your equal."

She looked down, biting her lip. Then she joined our free hands, slotting our fingers together. "I want to be your equal, too."

When she looked back up at me, her eyes blown wide, I forgot almost everything. But I retained enough presence of mind to ask one more question. "Will you join me in Valla and allow me to court you?"

I thought she would hesitate, but she just smiled. "Yes. I would love that, Nayoko -- more than anything."

"Good," I said, "because I love you."

I lowered my head and kissed her. She wound her arms around my neck and held me close, and it felt like every wish I'd ever made had come true.

There was no lightning bolt moment or sudden flame; just a warm flush of euphoria. What was between us had been growing for a while, and it was sturdy and secure now. This was the final link in the chain.

When we came up for air, Semyaza placed a hand on my heart. "I love you too, Nayoko."

Then she kissed me, her lips soft and sweet, like sugar icing or sunshine on a rainy day. I melted into her, smiling against her mouth.

I know.

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