Chapter 25: Ready, Aim, Fire

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Princess Kassandra of Nohr

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Princess Kassandra of Nohr

One week later, we finally arrived at our last destination before we crossed the sea: the port town of Dia. Felicia and Flora rode off to make arrangements for our ship to Notre Sagesse, while the rest of us gave our horses a break in the stables at the nearest tavern.

Most of the soldiers went inside, but I lingered with our steeds -- I hadn't got used to the experience of so many people being crammed into one room. Xander, Camilla, and Elise were still shadowing me, and now Azura was as well, knowing precious few other people. The five of us stood together, and Elise gave the horses funny voices while we looked on with varying levels of amusement.

Only a few minutes had passed before Felicia burst through the doors, breathless. "Emergency! Hoshidan forces are invading the town from the east! They'll be here any minute!"

I froze in stupid disbelief.

Xander tensed, his hand falling to his sword. "Hoshidans are here? Felicia, are you certain?"

"Yes, my lord! They've come to hold the ships to stop us from getting to Notre Sagesse!"

"Rally the troops immediately." He turned to me. "Kassandra, you will stay at the rear this time."

I sighed. "All right."


Xander hadn't made it clear what I was supposed to be at the rear of, so I decided being at the rear of the vanguard would satisfy his command. I certainly wasn't going to stand with the rearguard -- I wouldn't be able to see anything.

Silas fell back alongside me, which drew the attention of Xander. He clocked my position and said nothing. I didn't know if he was happy with it, or if he had just given up on arguing with me.

The Hoshidans came a moment later, heralded by startled cries from Nohrian villagers. I knew their way was to grant mercy, but after witnessing their despicable behaviour towards Azura in Fort Dragonfall, I was anxious.

Relief swept through me when the samurais stormed down the street with clean blades. At least two hundred archers followed them.

The army stopped a safe distance from us, and the samurais parted to let someone walk to their head. He drew Fujin Yumi, and the legendary weapon glowed.

"Takumi?" Azura exclaimed. "Thank goodness you're all right!"

Takumi scowled. "Azura? You Nohrian traitor! You should be ashamed! I always knew this would happen, but had I known your betrayal would come so swiftly, I'd have killed you myself!"

My blood ran hot, and I shifted in my saddle, resisting the temptation to get involved. It was his attitude that had passed through the Hoshidan ranks and almost cost Azura her life.

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