Chapter 22: Chemistry Collides

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Princess Kassandra of Nohr

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Princess Kassandra of Nohr

After staying with the Ice Tribe for a few days, I only felt marginally better -- I'd always had a weak immune system, although I'd never known whether it was hereditary or if it was the result of my sheltered life in the Northern Fortress. Regardless, I went against everyone's advice and decided that we should start travelling again. My stress over speaking with King Garon was certainly not helping me feel better. I just wanted it done with so that I could rest in my room at Castle Krakenburg.

We spent almost a week riding back, most of which passed in a fog. Silas was constantly fussing over me, making sure that I was wearing enough layers and even offering up some of his own. I was too tired to argue, and I could never get warm, so I let him do what he liked.

By the time we got back to Castle Krakenburg, I was exhausted. But I'd only just stumbled off Elise's wyvern when I heard Xander calling my name.

I turned around, my heart doing a somersault. Xander, Camilla, and Leo were striding across the bridge towards us.

"I missed you, darling!" Camilla engulfed me in a perfumed hug. "Are you all right?"

I tried my hardest not to cough. "I-I'm f-fine."

She released me, and I twisted away, unable to fight the itching in my lungs any longer. While I coughed, Leo hit me viciously on the back.

As soon as I could speak again, I gasped, "Too hard, Leo."

He stopped, turning red. "Sorry."

Xander drew me against him. "What's wrong with her?"

"She had hypothermia while we were away," Elise said, "and she's still not well. So enough standing around outdoors! She needs rest."

Xander sighed. "I wish you could have rest, Kass...but Father has requested that you go to the throne room immediately, and we've risked too much lately to defy him now. Hopefully, it will be quick."

I deflated. I didn't know if I had enough energy to face King Garon just yet, even though it was what I'd been waiting for. "I understand. And thank you for taking that risk in sending Elise and Silas after me. Without them, I would have surely died."

His arms tightened around me. "I know, so let's not bring it up again. I'll help you make this report a quick one."

"I'll be fine."

"You look like death," Leo said.

"Sheesh, way to compliment her!" Elise linked her arm through mine. "You don't look that bad, Kass. Even when you're sickly, you're beautiful. Now, come on! Let's talk to Father and get this over with!"


King Garon waiting for us in the throne room. Iago was at his side.

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