Chapter 56: The King of Valla

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Princess Kaiya of Valla

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Princess Kaiya of Valla

We fell back into a tight formation and travelled across the thin strip of land separating us from Castle Gyges. According to Azura, the small building at the very top was the throne room, and so that was our intended destination. We would have to go through a watchtower to reach it.

Hopefully, its abandoned look was not just a ruse.

We circled the castle from the west side to the south, looking for a watchtower we could access. No movement came from any part of the building, and yet I couldn't shake off the feeling that we were being closely observed.

At last, we found a watchtower. Xander dismounted and tried the door, and it swung straight open. He drew his sword and peered inside, looking uncertain.

"This is too good to be true," Leo muttered.

"It seems clear," Xander said, coming back. "But we should still pass through with haste."

We entered in single file. Inside, the temperature dropped. The floor was damp, and water dribbled down the walls. At the far side of the tower, a staircase of cracked stone spiralled upwards. Moss and dead leaves were scattered over the steps, and the stink of decay clogged the air.

When we reached the other side of the tower, Xander dismounted and tried the door. Again, it was unlocked. We passed back outside.

"This place is giving me the creeps," Elise said.

I had to agree. I imagined it had once been as full of life as Castle Krakenburg and Castle Shirasagi, but the servants would be nothing more than puppets to Anankos now.

We ascended the long flight of stairs ahead of us, aiming for the little building at the top. The stone bricks were bright and beautiful. No plants climbed the walls. A large pillar formed each of its corners, and none of them were crumbling.

"Anankos is in there," I hissed. "He must be."

We halted outside the entrance, and Xander unsheathed his sword. "Is everyone ready?"

"Hold!" Norton said. "I should lead this charge. If I don't land a strike on Anankos with the Fire Emblem, the rest of you may not be able to harm him at all."

Xander swallowed thickly and closed his eyes. He gestured with his sword. "Very well. Come forwards...but be careful."

Norton came to the front. We rode in.

It was the widest throne room I had ever seen, although far from traditionally impressive. A cracked throne stood beneath a god-sized mask embedded in the wall. Bricks were coming loose, and damp was spreading across the ceiling. I glanced around curiously, trying to search for the feeling in my heart that recognised it as my first home. There was none. Yet there was still something breath-taking about it, even though I felt no attachment. It had an atmosphere.

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