Chapter 27: No Glory for the Wounded

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Princess Kassandra of Nohr

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Princess Kassandra of Nohr

The sea was steadier than I had been expecting. Of course, the floor did rock and sway a little beneath my feet, but I found it soothing. Perhaps it would not be so nice in a storm, but though the sky was still overcast, the day was bright -- a rare treat in Nohr. I was standing on the deck of our ship with my maids, watching Port Dia fade into a smear on the skyline.

"How do you feel, my lady?" Flora asked. "Are you seasick?"

"No, not at all," I said. "Why?"

"Prince Norton was, the first time he went out to sea."

"Norton was seasick?" My eyebrows rose. "I can't imagine it. Are you certain?"

Flora pulled a face. "Unfortunately, I am very certain. He was sick on the deck long before we got this far. Jakob had to brew him some ginger tea."

"Norton's never had any weaknesses," I murmured. "This is a surprise."

"He was far from the man he is now on his first few missions, my lady. But even so, I think you're regarding him too highly, if you will forgive me for saying such a thing. You make yourself sound lesser than him, when in truth you have many strengths."

"Thank you." I ran the flat of my thumb back and forth across a joint in the railing. "I just wish I'd been strong enough to leave the fortress when he did, so I could have helped him as he found his feet. Still, I'm glad that you were there for him, Flora, even if your heart wasn't in it."

She lowered her head. "I'm sorry about that, my lady."

"Don't be. You're assisting me with heart on my first missions, and I'm certain that makes up for it. I think Norton would be glad if he knew that you're offering your help in his place."

"He's very protective of you, isn't he, my lady?" Felicia mused. "I've never seen him more upset than he was after he hurt you during training all those years ago."

"Felicia!" Flora snapped.

Felicia covered her mouth. "Whoops! I-I didn't think -- I didn't mean to say something so insensitive, my lady."

I ran a finger over the scar on my cheek. "I don't mind talking about it. I just wish I hadn't hit my head in the process and forgotten what happened. Norton refused to tell me what I could not remember, although I think I have an idea now. If he had told me, perhaps I would have been able to reassure him that being a dragon...well, perhaps he just wouldn't have left."

"That's nonsense," Xander said from behind me. "Don't blame yourself, Kass."

I turned around. He, Camilla, and Elise had all come up on deck.

"You did what you could to help him, as we all did," Xander continued. "Yet he still betrayed us."

I swallowed. The word betray felt like an injustice, even if it was the objective truth. "I still feel bad."

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