Chapter 57: Hear My Cry

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Prince Nayoko of Valla

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Prince Nayoko of Valla

Xander pried Gunter out of Kass' arms and laid him down. "Kass, stay strong. Stay strong for me. This fight isn't over yet."

The black smoke that had poured from Gunter swarmed around the stone mask behind the throne. Kass watched it blankly.

"We've been through so much, Kass!" I called, slowly standing up. "So many people have died before us, but you have always been the first to keep on fighting. You're our fire and fury! We need you to put your all into defeating Anankos now -- for Gunter."

Kass looked down at the lifeless body of our trainer again. I didn't. He may have hated me for what I'd done to her, but I had too many fond memories of him to stay strong if I saw what he had become.

Something sparked in Kass' eyes, and she raised her sword. "I will kill you for this, Anankos!"

The black smoke shot into the mask. The stone face cracked.

"Kaiya, Prince Xander!" Ryoma yelled. "Look out!"

Xander pulled Kass back across the room. They moved out of the way just as the stone fell where they had been standing.

Anankos emerged in his true form...a dragon.

He was so large that he exploded through the ceiling, tearing it apart as he unfurled his wings. He was black with spikes all the way across his face and neck, and he was holding an orb in his mouth. Three eyes formed in it and looked at us. Each one was the size of my head.

"This is impossible!" Takumi said. "We couldn't even defeat that on a good day. We'll never win when we're like this!"

"Have we truly failed?" Azura whispered.

Kass clenched her hands around her sword. "No! We can't give up now!"

"This is our destiny," I said. "And we have the Fire Emblem on our side. You saw what it did when I wanted to protect you. Anankos had no power against it. If I can somehow summon that force field again, we'll be able to advance."

"But how can we attack him?" Leo asked. Sakura had woken up now and was sitting beside him. "Some of us are too injured to even walk."

"You should know the answer to that, Brother," I said. "We'll adjust our formation. Xander, you can only use one arm. Give your mare to Takumi. Lead him forwards so that he doesn't have to walk, and then he can fire from her back. That frees up yours and Ryoma's good arms for fighting. Sakura, try to find the strength to heal Hinoka. Once she's awake, she and Camilla can remount. Leo can remount, Kass can remount. Azura, can you stand?"

I offered her my hand and managed to pull her upright. Behind us, Kaze and Semyaza were also getting up. Jakob was helping Kass to remount, and then he got on again himself. Xander got off his horse, and Felicia helped Takumi to get on. Leo and Sakura stood up, and Leo remounted. Sakura went to work on Hinoka. So did Elise.

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