Chapter 39: Love Execution

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Princess Kassandra of Nohr

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Princess Kassandra of Nohr

We finally reached the port town of Dia a day later and boarded ships at once. I had been quiet for much of our journey, avoiding Azura and thinking deeply, and no amount of concern from any of my siblings or retainers would make me open up. They didn't understand the secret I bore. It was not just the killings eating away at me, but the knowledge that I'd made a mistake. Layla had been innocent.

We hadn't even been sailing for an hour before we were in trouble. My siblings and I had gone below deck to organise a few things under Garon's instruction, but we hadn't got far before a soldier came down.

"Prince Xander!" The soldier bowed before him. "Nohrian pirates are aboard the ship and have been trying to raid our war chest! We have successfully captured them on King Garon's orders, but he would like you to question them and enforce their sentences."

"What?" Xander stood up. "Where did they come from?"

"I'm sorry, my lord. They must have sneaked on board before we set sail."

"I'll be up at once."

Elise wanted to go with Xander to see a real-life pirate, and the rest of us naturally followed. We found the leader sitting on deck under the watchful eyes of some Nohrian soldiers, his wrists and ankles bound. Several other pirates were surrounding him, some alive, some dead.

The leader was a scarred man, with an unruly mop of blond hair shot through in the centre with black. A luxurious, deep green cloak hung over his shoulders, and beneath it, a thick necklace of gold glimmered.

Xander drew his sword. "Don't move a muscle. We have some questions for you."

"Why not just execute me here and now?" the pirate muttered darkly. "As though I could expect anything less from Nohrian royals."

"You're Nohrian," Azura said. "Why would you board a ship for Hoshido when our country is at war with them?"

"Like a dirty thief needs a reason to do what he does best." Leo sneered at the pirate. "He and his men likely just hopped aboard without thinking things through. Trying to reason with him is a waste of time, Azura."

"Azura?" The pirate's eyes widened. "So you're the one."

She stared at him. "You know who I am?"

The pirate shrugged.

"No more games," Xander growled. He pressed the tip of his sword against the pirate's stomach. "Explain yourself, or your death will be slow."

The pirate sighed. "Fine. My name is Shura. Sixteen years ago, I was responsible for kidnapping Azura on the orders of a tactician named Yukimura. I am no Nohrian, but a ninja from Kohga, a land that exists only in memory now. Long ago, my clan proudly served the Hoshidan royalty before we were conquered by Mokushu. Those days were long past when Yukimura contacted me, but I still felt that I should help avenge the Hoshidans' loss."

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