Chapter 54: Beautiful, Broken Soldiers

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Prince Nayoko of Valla

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Prince Nayoko of Valla

We took the time to build a funeral pyre, even though there was no body. When it was ready, we formed a large circle and watched as it was set alight.

Azura was still crying, and Ryoma had his arm around her. As the first of the flames licked the wood, he stared ahead resolutely, trying to be her rock.

On either side of them were Takumi and Hinoka. Takumi didn't cry, but his eyes were blazing with more fury than the fire. I knew that in his head, he was ripping Anankos apart limb by limb.

Hinoka was crying and trying to suppress it because Sakura was holding onto her, which only made her sobs so great that I could feel her shoulders trembling. I had my arm around her.

Kass was on my other side, watching quietly. Of us all, she had built most of Mother's pyre. It was, I thought, her way of apologising.

Xander was rubbing her shoulders gently, watching the fire with regret. The others were just as mournful, even though some of them had never met Mother until today. It was a sign that we really had become allies. They felt our loss.

When the fire had burned out, Kass raised her voice. "Rest in peace, Mother. May you go into a happy afterlife, no longer under the control of Anankos."


We set up camp not long afterwards and retired in the fading light. I sat down on my bedroll and stared into space. I'd already said goodbye to Mother once, and doing it again had ripped me to pieces. My brain couldn't quite comprehend it.

The knowledge that she'd been a princess of Valla kept slipping in and out of my thoughts. I was not Nohrian. I was not Hoshidan. I was the only prince of a kingdom I hadn't even heard of until the previous day.

It was all madness.

After a while, the canvas of my tent dipped inwards as someone knocked on it.

"Norton," Camilla said. "Are you all right?"

My heart warmed, just enough to chase away the fog that was descending. It had been a long time since we'd talked. I had allowed myself to open up to a lot of people lately, but once, it had only been Camilla.

"Come in," I whispered.

She ducked inside and sat down next to me with none of her usual fuss. For a while, we stared at the opposite wall of the tent as if it was a fascinating view of the forest.

"Why can't Anankos leave anyone alone?" she murmured. "First my family, then yours...I'm sorry, darling."

"I'm sorry, too," I said.

She looked down, lavender waves falling over her face. "Every time I think of my father now, I don't know whether I'm really remembering him. Do I have any true memories, or was it always the demon playing a part?"

"It can't have always been the demon. There was a time when he was different, wasn't there?" I leaned my shoulder against hers. "You did know your father, Camilla."

She looked up. "I hope so. I'm sorry that you didn't get to spend much time with your mother before she died. I understand."

"I know you do. Your situation with your own mother was, in some ways, very similar."

"I wish things could have been different for both of us." She pulled me tight against her chest and rubbed my head like a puppy.

"No, Camilla." I struggled away. "You don't need to be my mother for me. You don't need to be the mother for anyone."

I'd spent years snapping and shouting at her, but it was now that she looked the most hurt. Her face crumpled. "But...but I've always tried to..."

"I know. And we all know you mean well. But, with the exception of Elise, we've all grown up now. We don't need to be nurtured anymore. You do it for yourself, to make up for the attention your mother never gave you. But it's not working, is it? It's never worked."

Camilla looked down at her hands. "No."

"You need to let it go and move on. We both need to just...let our mothers go. In time, we will learn how to deal. But it's not this way."

"I'm sorry." Tears shone in her eyes, and for the first time, she seemed unsure of herself. "I'll try not to."

I put my arm around her shoulders. "I'm not asking you to do this because I'm annoyed. It's because I want the best for you. We thought we were healing each other all those years ago, when you were like this and I craved it. But we weren't."

She sniffed and nodded. "I want the best for you, too."

"Then somehow, we will fix ourselves. It's just not this way. You have to accept that your siblings are adults. And I need to accept that Mother is at peace now and try..." I swallowed. "Try to deal with it."

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