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(A baby girl was found on the doorstep of Frank Reagan's home

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(A baby girl was found on the doorstep of Frank Reagan's home. All that was left was a note from someone named Rebekah. It claimed that Jamie Reagan was the father. Jamie took a DNA test and it was in fact his daughter, he looked for Rebekah but she was a drug addict. So Jamie took care of his daughter as a single father)

My name is Jade Reagan. I'm only 5 so I have no school yet.

I tried getting dressed before daddy woke up but it didn't work

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I tried getting dressed before daddy woke up but it didn't work.

"Hey sweetie" daddy says coming in then laughing.

"Daddy I tried getting dressed before you woke" I say sighing.

"Its ok baby" he says going to my drawer to grab my outfit and getting me dressed.

"Its ok baby" he says going to my drawer to grab my outfit and getting me dressed

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He brushed my hair and then picked me up. He put me on the table to tie my shoes. He grabbed his bag he always have on the couch and picks me up.

"Let's go" he smiles. He straps me in my car seat that's in the front seat.

 He straps me in my car seat that's in the front seat

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"Ready to go to Grandpa's" he says starting the car.

"Daddy do you have to go" I say sadly.

"Yes sweetie" he says looking sad. He drives us to Grandpa's and parks. He gets me out the car and in the house.

"Hey pops" daddy says putting me down.

"Hey Jamie, hi Jade" pop pop smiles.

"Hi pop pop" I say sadly.

"Alright daddy has to go to work, I'll pick you up after work like always" daddy says ruffling my hair and kissing my head.

"ok" I say sadly.

"Thanks pops" daddy says leaving.

"Come on let's go make cookies" pop pop says. We go in the kitchen and start mixing the ingredients.

"What's wrong Jade" pop pop asks.

"Daddy always works" I say sadly.

"But sweetie he gives you everything you need, that's how he makes his money for you" pop pop explains.

"I get it" I smile having my idea. We bake the cookies and eat some. Pop pop and I watched TV.

Later at dinner

We were all eating dinner.

"Becky has to testify" Erin says.

"Right before someone gets set on fire" pop pop says.

"I won't have this talk at this table" grandpa raises his voice.

"Sorry grandpa" Sean says.

"You didn't do anything Sean" grandpa says.

"I have to get back to work" daddy says kissing my cheek and leaving and uncle Danny left. We all kept eating then Aunt Linda and pop pop went to look at books while aunt Erin and grandpa went to the kitchen. Then I start not being able to breath and gasp for air. My body starts shaking and I fall off the chair.

 "HELP" Nicki yells as her and the boys come over to me. Everyone runs in the room.

"What happened" Aunt Linda nearly yelled.

"We don't know" Sean said crying. Grandpa called an ambulance. Aunt Linda started feeling my chest.

"Her lungs are closing" aunty Linda says.

"Can you hear me blink once" aunt Erin said. I blinked.

"Can you see me blink twice" aunt Erin says again and I blinked twice.

"She's responsive, ok Jade don't close your eyes" aunty Linda said as doctor men put me on a stretchy thingy. They drove me to the hospital and aunty Linda was in the car with me then everything was dark. I wake up with a thing on my mouth and stuff on my arm. I look and see grandpa, Aunt Linda, and aunt Erin. Then I see daddy running in and his partner Eddie.

"Jade" daddy says rushing to my side.

"What happened" daddy asked. Then the doctor lady came in.

"She might have suffered a severe asthma attack, they in some cases can cause seizures, but we don't think it was a seizure" the doctor says.

"She can go home in  couple of hours, but she also has to start on medications and inhalers" the doctor says. I take the big thing off my mouth and the needles out of me.

"No no sweetie" the doctor runs over and Daddy looks at me.

"Keep it on Jade" daddy says.

"I can talk now" I say out of breath.

"She's a fighter like you Jamie" grandpa smiles.

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