Eyes wide open!

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Mature content...
Dam my eyes!

I can't believe my eyes....
As if I wasn't privy to the scenes from last night and here they go again...

Aaron pov

Dam Chris your body fits me like a glove and your so wet for me already.
I pumped my 2 middle fingers deep within her walls as she screamed out for me to take her.

I felt her squeeze my fingers as her orgasm erupted from her shaking body. She grabbed hold of my neck bringing me in close for a kiss when I here the door slam and my brother say....

Oh for the love of god get a dam room, if I have to see your naked asses one more time I'm going to call mom.

That made them both stare in my direction as Aaron tried to cover them both.

How about I go upstairs and the 2 of you get out of the living room. Shaking his head as ..
...they had the nerve to smile like to school kids.

Last night was enough and I gave you space but today oh no...either you go up to your room or go over to her room but not here. I stomp my way up stairs grabbing some of the things I may need i go back down only to see them.

I ranted as I stomped out the door.
I couldn't just meet them face to face right now, acting like rabbits. Oh.wait an minute I was supposed to be planning my trip home... so I stomped back in to here just to watch them giggling going up strairs.

Oh going to be an uncle soon, just watch....
..as I grabbed my laptop and emailed my pilot and secretary that I would need them in the to get ready.
2 minutes later the the banging on the top floor started ....
then yelling
no screaming
oh yes James!!!
They really must have talked because she called him by his dirst name.
Yes yes yes .
I can't wait until I was on the plane and away from this racket.

Afternoons were supposed to be relaxing and now that those two were finally napping and I have prepared my fight info.
I can set up our little brunch for just the 2 of us..
I hope she's faring better than I was and that  Mark and her other friend stayed in her friends bedroom and didn't  scar her for life .

I called the lobby hostess and told her what I wanted and the time and she said all will be ready when we arrived, I thanked her and hung up.
Pool time .....
Eyes behind my sun shades
Yes this is what I needed after those stressful dreadful days I had ..
I m going to enjoy this.
Needing to relax and enjoy the nice weather  out on our private pool for a swim only to be disturbed by a voice that I didn't recognize.
Not even 2 hours and mow this...

Well I like what I see here.

She was a slender red head in a shrimp colored bikini and walking towards me.

I usually don't mind when beautiful women come out of no where but I  want to be outside and alone.

Just to collect my thoughts and not to be bothered by the unwanted attention.

She continued walking her way towards me. Like walking in slow motion would do the trick and get her into my bed.

Any other time I would've taken her  offer and showed her the door after but this time I wanted the whole package not the packaging..
..so I spoke as soon as she was in touching distance..

don't bother sitting down and turn right around to where ever you came from Ms ...

See how polite I'm getting.
I said to myself, while the red head just looked at me as if I grown another head.

Oh you know you want me in one of those many rooms upstairs.

Look you have 2.3 seconds to remove yourself or I'm calling security.

I'm going to tell them you invited me to come here  and touched me inappropriately.
She said with a smug smile..

Oh you idiot" theirs voice recorded cameras an every view out here so nice try" get the he'll out of here..
....just to make sure she complys.

I had to push the replay  button and called to have her removed from the resort.
Not going to happen shank...they should make some repellent for people like her.

...was that I thought,
...someone had to put her up to that b.s..
Finally peace and quite.
Enough about that, it's almost time for my lunch date with Shannon.

I see her already making her way towards me..

I see you are out of the place to she said to me.
Yeah I answered her, those to bunnys were at it as soon as they got back in and they didn't make it to the room..as her eyes and mouth opened wide at my tales of horror.

Well it's on them...what are we going to get to eat.
I'm starving.
Me too so let's get going.

I thought we were eating here..
Nope in not sharing with them sex craised people...an she laughed and agreed to that too.

As we walked hand and hand to the side of the pier where a large 6 foot yacht was waiting for us.

Given With LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz