Day before our " Gala"

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All things ago.
I was heading out of my den, slash office because of a certain someone who had to know each and every detail and report it back to Jason.  I need that expense report for Jason.
I've sent everyone including you the emails that go with the company's used for tomorrow.  So please refer back to that email. I have to go know grabbing some bags from I office I leave out closing my door. Aren't you going to lock your door.  Sherry asked try to get under my skin for the 5th time today.

Walking towards the elevator, thanks it's locked. Waiting for the elevator to close I saw her try the door then stomp away. Now I know that I need that pad key lock. For people that don't know when to quit.
Once again Amy met me in the lobby of the building so we could check the progress of the decorations ,but when we arrived at the ballroom we found it completely empty.

(Picture above)    .......
What the heck is going on here.
I can't believe I'm really standing here in a empty room.
Seems to be a mistake.  I hope so, I was watching a lady come the office when she asked me if I want to use the space since she just had a last minute cancelation. 
Excuse us for the questions but this room was recently rented out for the gala that my bosses were planning for tomorrow night and I we were here to check on the set up to find it empty.

That when this lady pulled our and iPhone and told aa she received a recent call from a crying lady saying she'd made a mistake and needed to reschedule.  I cut her off . Ma'am I'm sure neither myself now Amy called do you happen to have the number for the person.

Before we have a major problem on our hands.  Amy while she's getting this can you email on James and Jason to inform them of this and pull up all the vendors that we are using to make sure that they are still coming tomorrow. 
Once again I'm apologizing for this mishandled situation.  We will definitely need the support and space for our gala night.

Well as you perhaps have already done I'm going to need that expense report back and that deposit. 
Did you return it. To the company address on the invoice.
Well no I was told to keep it as a good faith for canceling at the last moment.
By then I found myself staring at her for 2 minutes without a word. Only to here a growl from behind me. 
Name and number of the person responsible for this and I will personally give you the benefit of the doubt that you had no knowledge of this prank. Sir , let me explain.
This will be dealt with on Monday after the this affair.

Now I sincerely hope that when I arrive to this place tomorrow it had better not be in this state.
Turning on his heel walking out with steam coming from his head. Jason just pats my shoulder and says luckily we were in the neighborhood when Amy called us but trust me heads will roll for this.
Mrs. Thlema, finally spoke with a shaking voice apologizing and promised to give us a night to remember.  Plus we wouldn't have to pay another deposit. Thanking her we went over everything and promised to see her back tomorrow morning at 6am.

Leaving and finally getting a breath of fresh air we both walked across the street to that Cafe for a much needed lunch.
I cannot believe that she would stup so low as to cause us our jobs like this what if we didn't come here to check today or she had booked someone else for this room.

She's a miserable excuse for a human being and will get her just desserts fir causing Mr. Jason to take time out his busy schedule to fix this situation.
He going to ruin whoever did this and send them packing.

I hope for Siberia.
Siberia,  Amy has laughed at me for what seems like forever.
As we paid our bill and left to return to the office I'm going to call everyone including the dj just to make sure no one else has gotten the same pitch from a certain someone.

I'll help and call the bakery and florist   just to lighten your load.

Thanks for all you've done.

Please theirs no thanks necessary...Amy said walking ti her office. 

Closing my door half way I started to email all the people on my list as my door starts to move.
Thinking I didn't see her listening to my conversation I walked to the door and snatched the door open.

Falling in the office,catching herself on the table before ding a face plant Sherry adjust her dress and make sure to put herself on the side of it before asking if theirs anything she can do to help with the set-up.

No I believe that we have all the planning convered including camera crew.

Oh well good hope everything goes well with the vendors and especially the venue for tomorrow night and with that she left.

The nerve of that women .
Closing my eyes for a second to recover my patience I open them to see a very handsome man sitting in my chair .
Did I just call Jason a handsome man.
I wanted to ask you about what happened earlier but I can see your finally getting to know what I meant by can you handle the pace here. I bebegan to answer him wheen I noticed that same shadow at my door. I gave him a weak smile as I took the same steps to expose her again.
Grabbing the door thus time I slammed it shut to hear a loud cry then opted to open it wide for Jason to see what's on the other side of it .

Ms. Sherry adjust her dress and  grabbed a tissue from my desk clearly not noticing that Jason is about 2 seconds away from firing her but at the moment finds this situation amusing.
How are you just at her door when I walked past you just 3 minutes ago .

Did you need something Sherry.
I am looking for some kind of sign that she would like to share with me the plans for tomorrow night.

Happy to help in anyway!.
Amy and I have split up all the major problems so the only thing we need is a hostess. For the  auction.
Great I'm all for it.
She smiles all ears and away.
Oh Ms.  Sherry on the other hand why don't you check in all the guest . Since you worked here the longest.

This coming from Jason as I held back my laugh.
So this is settled and I'll see everyone tomorrow night.  With that being said he left the office. Leaving a stunned Sherry behind with me.

I  don't know who you think you are just arriving and making me feel out of place but I'll have the last tomorrow night rookie.
Closing my door I assume that she would try something else so I asked if Amy and I could work remotely from my home to keep wondering ears at bay.

Yeah email me all the arrangements once they have been finalized again.
I don't have any problems suing people, places or things.
Laughing out loud I emailed Amy of our plans and she said she'll see me in the lobby.
Then I got a message from her saying to the batmoble.
Laughing as I shut everything down.

Checking that I had everything I needed, I closed the door turning back to check the nob the make sure it's actually closed.  When it pops back open. Amy coming towards me sees me with a puzzled look. Then spots the hairpin sticking out of the lock.
Well it's stuck in with gum and tape.

That just gross.
Now that let's go she  said after we removed the mess from my door. Getting to elevator we noticed the shadow waiting for the door to close and watched as she stomped her foot again. 

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