This is my facial expression!

2 0 0

Can you wish for a fire drill!.
That's how I'm feeling at the

Don't think it.

Can my day get any worse.
Dam it late!...
She's just a thorn in my side.
This red headed rat.

Yes well umm thanks for thinking of me.
I told her...
I understand that this is our Annual charity fundraiser event.
That's supports the children's hospital association.

Yes that correct newbie.

She needs to trimmed at the knees!
I thought.

Now to make sure you were aware that every company head and board members across several states "plus our closes associate's will be in attendance".

In our previous gala's ...
It was always a theme of colors and seasons.

Why not pick one of the children's hospital's staff to come and have a silent auction during the the party.

Along with asking some museums and auction houses if they have a few pieces to donate for a good cause.

Yes yes that's all well and good but can all this be done on our yearly budget.

Now I'm hearing the murmurs around the table.." can she pull it off or my favorite what would she know about priceless artifacts ,we'll see".

I want everyone's help by the way.
I'm not doing it by myself this is a group effort.

So Mrs. Shannon is it,
...coming from James.

..I'm interested in seeing you price point for all of this as well as cataloging any art work that we may use for this.

She's going to need the support of the whole department since you through her out their and no one is excluded from the brainstorm ideas. James said with finalty.

Now to make sure I'm clear enough for everyone.

I want a detail report on who's doing the catering, decorations, music and media.

This will be a red carpet function and no slip ups will be tolerated this year.
Nor any sabotage like we had for these last 2 years.

Do I make myself clear.
He said this looking at the red head.

Making me swallow with dread.

Sabotage at a huge conglomerate.
Really people are we in highshcool.

I think to myself but than again she did throw me under the bus.

Meeting adjourned great session team.

Everyone started to clear out when I was asked to stay behind by the man himself.

So you handled yourself pretty well for a newcomer to this strange group of individuals...but watch out for anyone trying to befriend you.

Theirs a reason why that position opened and I don't want to have to advertise it again so soon.

I understand sir.

Now am I free to go to complete the task at hand.


...closing the door on my way out.

Leaving the board room I make my way over to the elevator.

Pressing the down button I pretended he wasn't standing in the hall.
I didn't even hear him walk out let alone stand so close to me.

Have dinner with me?

I blinked a few times to make sure I'm still in the same hallway.

Turning away from the opening elevator I step backwards and wait for him to enter before I say anything.

Mr. Jason did you by any chance ask me something.

Yes I asked you to have dinner with me.

I'm sorry but since I now work for you it's inappropriate for me to dine with you unless it's business related.

He walked closer to me and said again have dinner with me.

It didn't answer as the doors opened to my floor an I jumped off before I gave an reply.

Speed walking to my cubicle and sitting quickly as I take out my notes.

So I see your finally at your desk so let team up shell we.

I look up to see red literally.

Not only is she leaning on my desk but she blocking my constration.

We all bring our ideas together after lunch so please don't let me down people...Sam said.

Thanks Sam will do.

He's one of the department heads and he just saved me from murder in the first degree.

Hmm...well let me know if you think of something worth sharing.
It is a group project.

She said slinking off.

Now I'm mad.

It's coming clear the warning I recieved about trusting so quickly here.

This barracuda really is askibg for it.
Concentrate shan...
I say to myself.
Working non stop and forgetting about lunch.

I here someone walking towards my cubicle and sitting down eating what smelled of Chinese food.

Making me know now that I skipped a meal as my rumbling stomach ratted me out.
I see an extra take out box before me.

Smiling at the person sitting on the edge if my desk like he owns it....well technically he does but I'm not going to turn away food.

Oh my favorite shrimp and broccoli.
Thank you Mark I said around a mouth full.

Welcome welcome... so rumor has it you are not interested in going to dinner.

Basically... we are not having this would lead to me saying mean things so thank you again for the food but please don't bring that up.

Reaching for a water bottle in my desk.
I take a sip and continue to work while eating.

Ok....see you around Shan..

Great now he's going to be a nuisance.

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