interview part 1

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The picture aboe is of my future bedroom....hopefuly above 2023..🤔🤔😄

Waking up before 6 anything was never my strong suit but it's for a job  interview and first impressions and latest don't go hand and hand.

Rolling out if bed.
I here a loud yell by my bedroom door...
shouldn't you be half way dressed by now.
Then followed by several knocks Shan are you even awake.

The early bird gets the warm.

Followed by to more shouts of get up sleeping beauty.

I finally open the door to come face to face with a smiling James.

Who else thinking somebody would pay for yelling at me this early in the morning but these comedians that I live with just won't quit.

Well when did you get here.

I asked him.

Smiling sheepishly at me saying he didn't leave lastnight and came back once everyone else went to sleep.

Okay well excuse me I need a cup of coffee care to join me.
Sure I'll take a cup then I'll get going.
I have a meeting at 12 pm and smiling at his phone a date later with a special someone.

You mean Chris right.
Of course it's her.

I need both of my knee caps in tact thanks and my spline and my spine not shattered.

Laughing at him I tho-thought you were so tuff and macho.
Chris is half your size...laughing at him.

That's what scares me she small enough to fit into tiny places to do sneak attacks.

Walking to the counter I pulled the coffee maker out with creamer and  cups for us.
Once it finished he takes 2 cups with him to Chris's room while.
I made a to go cup and a small one for now.
Leaving the stove on to scrabble a egg the place it on a plate.

Making a note to go marketing once I'm finished at the company.
Then  James can back out to refill a cup for himself.

I ate quickly then showered.
Picking out a smart suit of the color blue with pin stripes and black flats no heels on my first day.

Quickly pulling my hair up into a neat bun, and spraying a splash of sun at the beach perfume.

I dashed out the door to be stopped by Patty and Chris both giving me thumbs up and well wishes.
As I grab my coffee cup and left the house.

Traffic wasn't as ruff during this time of morning so I arrived at the company and had a chance to take a breather before asking the receptionist where was the interviews being held today.

Puzzled by this blond moment that she was having, its almost as if she was having a procedure done. Hello are you in their .

I'm here for the interview with the Richardson enterprise in the publications department.

Oh, she said as I stood their waiting for her to let me know which floor to go to. 

No way I can their with this boxes help.
Who's bright idea was to sit her here.

Just as I took out my phone.

When a older red head sat beside her swipes her badge and asks if she can help me while typing quickly on a glass desk top.

I'm here for an interview with publications group.

Yes dear, your going to take those elevatoes behind you up to the 12 floor and the team lead is in the conference room.

I smiled and thanked her as I walked to the elevator. Thinking about her and her silent partner..
Good grief Charlie Brown ..
Laughing in my head as I waited for the  doors to open.

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