🍹🍺Who gave you the right!!!🍾🥂

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As soon as we crossed the opening of of balcony , our eyes bugged out from the amount of people surrounding the open bar area of the bungalow. We never planned on using that liquor.

Well I'm not paying a dime for this.
I thought.

Who the hell are all these people.
I don't know Chris we were togethers dinner.
Patty joked.
I don't think were having a party while we're gone to dinner...I said .
We ate and talked so long that we had our dinner their instead of walking back an forth.

Well somebody is impersonated you  Shannon....because it's more than 40 people in here plus the deck Chris yells to be herd above the music.

Well when I find out ...she was cut off by Patty' s Let's just stop fussing.

Then I cut them both off by saying shouldn't we call though to the front desk to complain.
Since the guy hasn't came back yet.

I mean why would someone have a party in our place.

I know let's call to find out because this is just a bit much and I'm tired said Chris.

When I started to the door I bumped into a brick wall with arms and legs.

Immediately I lost my balance but as I fell backwards strong  arms reached around me.

I was staring up into some beautiful eyes as he righted me on my feet and arrogance left his face.

I know you've seen me stop looking at me like that like.
I'm not a piece of meat, and watch where you're walking .

Know why do I feel like I've heard the same word come out of somebody's mouth earlier.

They were saying the same things to Chris but yet this one was a little bit taller.

I just blinked at him.
Here he goes again 'are you deaf'.

Can you hear me....
....is the music too loud in here .

I just blinked again.

Then I kindly of removed his hands from around me and told him in the nicest way possible because I'm not going to be as rude as Chris.
I said "oh I can see very well being as though I was walking towards you and you backed into me but let me help you out.
I can see with both eyes.
I can hear with both ears.
I'm staring at you because you would not let me go.
I'm standing on my own two feet and now you can move out of my way.
So I can continue on to find out who in their right mind would throw a party inside of a rented Bungalow.
That they didn't rent ....jerk.

He just stood their open mouthed like I had two heads or something.
I'm saying don't be rude to me and
I won't be rude to you.
I thought to myself as I continued on to the front door.

As I cleared the threshold.
I proceeded to the sliding doors to call down to the front desk only to be interrupted by Mr. Jerk himself again.

Now  don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you.

I just held up my hand, said hold it a minute

I called the front desk and said...
"hi this is Shannon Paul from Bungalow number 11 and I just want to know why there is a party being thrown between my Bungalow and a bungalow next door "and 'what would give the person in Bungalow 10 the okay to use part of my bungalow that I paid for'.

Oh ma'am we're sorry to hear about  that, theirs a miscommunication but the actual owner of the whole Resort had asked to set up the party between both of those places.

You see him and his brothers are the ones celebrating the opening of one of his new tech company here and he kind of invited everyone today.

I left a note saying we're going to need you guys to move to #6 earlier ma'am.
Well I 'll be dammed..I thought!
Sir how were we to receive this news release if we were at the resort having lunch/dinner.

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