1 Jason pov

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Listening to the the heels of stilettos clicking on my tiled floor use to please me but now all I wanted  was  complete silence.
Especially while I'm working.

My secretary keeps dropping stuff and parading around my office like some overly decorated clown with a tight shirt and skirt.

Every time I tell myself to make sure that my employees remember that their just employees....but with the help of these " dimwitted blond legged  mutts". 

I fall right in the category of loser according to my parents.

Well at least 2 of my older brothers that have both found wives and are happily married with kids I'm only 27 and I refuse to shackled to anyone  anytime soon as well as my younger brother James.

So there's a reason why I avoid family functions like dinner or reunions of any capacit unless it's business as usual.

Massaging the headache from between my eyes to keep my cool. I stop myself from yelling at the blonde headed green eyed devil .

Finally I snapped at her,
Grace don't you think you should return to your desk!.
I know I gave you something to work on.

Well I handed those files to Billy in the production office to look over and return to you by the end of the day. She has the nerve to smile like she completed something .

She must have been dropped off the slow bus because he already sent them to me.
I just needed her to file it.

Where do HR find these people.

For the last time listen with both ears...
"Go get a those files and file them under this yrs completed" , bring me my coffee when you come back and this time don't put anything in it.

Is that all I could bring you sir.

Why is she still here.....
yes I told her .
As she left out the office she swung her hips left and right to make sure I new she was a woman.

She was nothing more than a easy lay.

I was just having a moment" a weak moment" and made out in my office   with her.
Now she's following me.
Asking  me to her place and now she thinks it's going to be a everyday thing .

Soon as she brings in my coffee.
I'm locking myself in here to wipe out all distractions.

2 minutes later the heels are clicking again and she walking closer and closer.

Where would you like me to put your coffee sir.
Off the golden gate bridge..I thought "
"Jesus Mary Joseph"
I grab and pinch the corner between my eyes.
Just to spun my chair away from my desk only for this woman to drop down a grab my junk in her hands.

Note to self fire the secretary !.

No matter how many times I've said no she didn't want to take no for a ANSWER!...
Before I could remove her face from between my legs she has my penis in her hands and she looking at me like she has just won the lottery.

I grab her shoulders and push her away but she's like a magnetic me and won't let go.
I stood up and attempted to move her face from between my legs.

While this was playing out in the office, my phone rings temporarily distracting me.
By then she has my pants down.
Lord!..why us she bothering me.
Now trying open my shirt.
Pushing her backwards, I quickly tuck in my shirt into the  top of my pants.

Someone help me.

..I swear the next office I make will have a eject button.

Even if she claims to be the best.

I have a 1 time rule and she's reached her limit.

St stop i-it  Grace.
I struggled to remove her octopus grip of my thighs as she followed me pushing back into my chair.

Working on the last nerve.
Climbing  her way to the back on top of me.

She's like that pink bunny...
Determined to get her last rush of pleasure.
After this she's going to need a new job.
Smiling like the joker. Pulling my penis out again, deep throating me while a smirk at her face.
I reach my phone texting security to pack her stuff.

Suddenly I felt myself flood the back of  her throat and now she has satisfied look on her face and now it's my turn...

Grace stood up and licked her lips.

Should I lock the door baby.
As she was walking towards the door I asked her to step outside.

I sent a message to HR to find me a male secretary and security to remove her from all things R&R..

30 seconds later and theirs yelling and bodies are hitting against my door. Don't need anyone to lock my door.  Now its back to work time.

I was sent email from security that she's on her way with a reference plus a never return clause letter.

Escorted from the building and her badge collected sir.

Good now report to her to wall security forces and document today's firing.
I'm placing an ad for brand new PA, and better be screened by security before meeting me understand.

Hanging up the phone I adjusted myself and continued working.
So glad she's gone away from me, the next few weeks I may actually get some work done and  sleep peacefully.

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