3's a crowd

7 2 0

( The picture above is of the resort I stayed in "The Rui Palace' in the DR. I so need another visit....😎)

Awaiting  the driver to unload our bags we were walking around checking out the rooms and layout of our beach house and Chris was busy checking the bar.

Once everything pans out we hit the beach and let me tell you it was the bluest of  blue waters waiting for us.

Patty jumped in head first and put a thumbs up for us to follow we stayed  in the water from the time we got their until sun set.

Then wind began to pick up and we left the water and returned the the safety of the beach house.

I showered then return to the living room area to see that both girls had done the same.

So what's to eat people we have played all day and the rain is now apon us Patty said.

Let's check the fridge.

I walked into the kitchen to find a fully stocked fridge.

How about chicken salads.
I'm game said Patty.
I'll make the drinks Chris said.

I wish we could eat on the deck but the rain had other plans.

It rained so hard at one point we thought of returning to the resort we rented the beach bungloo from but finally the sky relented and the rain is now just drizzle.

Once we ate I checked to see if I had any messages from my brother because I know my parents didn't check on my existence since I graduated from high school.

I mean you do have two children but that's neither here nor there with them.
l' ve  learning to let bygones be bygones but only message would have smoothed over my disparaging mind.

All I received is that I have a interview for the Richardson's  building that I've been dying to work at, they are the best companie for economic growth.

They have all the latest IT Tech devices and they're looking for a new public relations assistant.
So I hope I have a shoe in with my background in public relations .

Hey what are you smiling at over their said Patty.

Well I have the interview with the Richardson enterprise when we return .

Oh that's great Shan, that's the 'nickname' for me since I've been friends with these two.

What on the menu for tomorrow since tonight's a wash out said Chris.

Well the  jet ski's are on the the desk so ladies.
I know I'm water bound who's with me, and to me too's followed.

After cleaning the dishes we turned in and said good night to each other.

Then patty followed by Chris  came in my room laying across the bed making themselves comfortable.

Only to end up bunking in my room .
Well we might as watch a movie since we are all to together.

Yeah but no horrors or mushy stuff.
We ended up watching reruns of the golden girls and pointing out how we act like the characters.

Chris fell asleep first leaving me and Patty trying to keep our eyes open.
I set the sleep timer so the light won't wake us.
Waking up to a leg on my back is not something I haven't had in awhile.
I needed to use the bathroom so I move past Patty leg only to knock  Chris off the bed.
Uhh come on Chris yelled waking Patty.
Which one of you pushed me.
Didn't have time to answer as I really had to go.
Don't everyone speak at once.

As I closed the bathroom door.
Patty rolled over like nothing happened.
Hmm.. I hope you fall in.
I know you pushed me chic.

After washing my hands I opened the door to see if they are sleeping or not.
I wanted to see the first sun rise while we're here.
So I got out my camera and left the room not wanting to wake them.

I know most people say if you seen one you seen them all but it's something to it for me.

Making my way out side the sliding glass door, I quickly aim my lense to the skyline at a angle.
To see sun rises and sets from different parts of world.

So every vacation I take.
I do this.
So I can place them in my scrapbook of hobbys.

Wow it's a breath taking view.

Wishing I see many more. I snap a few more pictures before coming back to my room.

Now it's really no space to lay down so I went into Patty's room and crashed.
3 hours later.
The same leg was on my back.
I wanna amputate both her legs.
I'm not your personal body pillow.

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