4 Catching a wave 🏄‍♀️🏄‍♂️🏊‍♀️

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Above is the picture of the type of bungloo we rented (Patty picked it ).

Shannon's pov

Alrighty thank chef Chris for breakfast now its time for fun fun in the sun........laughing at my singing.

We were just heading out with the jet ski attachment when Chris bumped into one of the hottest men that we have ever laid eyes on.

THIS is beyond the cuties in college

He had a golden tan 6 foot 4 , washboard abs gorgeous teal colored eyes.
That's all I could see,  since he's  facing an angry Chris at the moment.

I almost want to ask him was he wearing contacts but that would 've been rude.

I hate tourist season, nobody pays attention to where they're,he yells on going did you see me.

Oh now it's on.
Taking a step towards Chris.
He continued, I  know I'm gorgeous but did you see me.

Oh no, I thought but Chris cut him off with..
.. hey who you think you talkin to you, 'you bumped into me'.

My back was to you that meant you saw me when you bumped into me her voice rose to meet his," watch where you're walking and so what if I am a tourist".

Let's just say that argument cost us prime seats on the beach,our spot in line for the jet ski drop off and most of the the morning.

Now when you thought they would stop once we sat down to watch these to go at it over manners and ones place.
I finally had enough of this and said shut it.

Let's go Chris sorry sir for any inconvenience this may caused you and have a great day.

Well at least one of you has manners.
Hmm.....and their you have it folks.

Let me just say that started another whole thing with a bunch of how dare you's and who do  you think you are.

Patty finally came back after trying to get our refund to yell enough you two! for someone that just met you' fight like a married couple'.

Oh please, the sexy jerk said.......
I have friends I neglected because of you guys today and I need to go.
Just look out using both eyes.

Both eyes how about I deck you and both of yours see how you like being able to see out of both of them than.

Why you little, Chris cuts him off with...
"don't  finish that sentence".

But he continued  my real friends are awaiting...

but he was over talked by Chris again with..
.."I'll rearrange your face".

I would like to see you try you barely come to my shoulders.

Oh please,  just because I'm five foot three inches and a 1/4 don't mean I won't break you down to my height.

I got to go just watch out shorty, as soon as he turned his back you heard smack.

I was like oh no.
What did she throw at him.

He yelled Out!... 


WHAT was that what you threw at me.

Chris yells ... your ego in a shape of a banana.

A red faced Arron gritts his teeth at her and asked did you throw a half-eaten banana at me.
Yeah during tgeir long altercation we learned his name was Arron.

Chris laughs and said "he's lucky that's all she threw at him".

You come back here", Arron said.
Like a 5 yr old...
make me" , she taunts him.

By now Patty and I are doubled over with laughter as they have now attracted an audience.

Chris we're leaving okay.

Hoping  that's it.

I'm walking away.
Patty with me.

I'm pretty sure lunch should be served. I want to be anywhere  other than watching these two go at it .

Wait for me you guys "to hell with him".
She yells!.

I've better not catch you on this side of the beach tomorrow.

I'll be here for the next 2 days hope you're not in a bungalow next to us.
Trying to catch up with us.

Im almost attempted to flood it out he yelled back", as she walked away leaving him fuming at her.

What did you say!.
Turning as she responded by raising her middle finger.

Deciding not to comment as we all walked to the resort for lunch and let me tell you it got more interesting.

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