Ch 44 celebrating

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I wondered if anyone could see through my fake smile as I left Alpha's bedroom. With a sense of determination, I walked ahead of Alpha, to greet each of the boys in my pack. I was glad to see sweatpants on all of them. It felt odd being the only one wearing a shirt. Shawn gave me a little smirk, but I felt the trembling in his arms when he squeezed me tight before quickly letting go. I kept holding him for a moment longer, expressing my authority over him, before I released him.

Shawn gave me a confused look. His glance toward Alpha had me wondering. A leader was expected to handle challenges. Would Alpha have Shawn give me challenges? I had to be able to handle Shawn. I had to figure a way to control David too, I thought as I hugged his thin frame. I could count on David to rat us out on anything to Alpha. They had to be willing to follow me instead of Alpha on that far-away day, when Beta attacked Alpha to gain leadership. It was the only way to save them from Alpha.

Both Toby and Bobby were nervous, glancing toward Alpha as I released them from my hug.
It occurred to me I'd never hugged them in front of Alpha before. Well, Alpha wanted them to follow me, so he shouldn't complain. Toby and Bobby watched out for each other, and me. Originally Toby and David has been close, but David clung to Shawn and Alpha more these days.

I finally came before Beta. I didn't bother acknowledging his two guards. As usual, they stood behind the boy they were sworn to serve and protect. To Beta I gave a real smile, even if it was a small one, to let him know I forgave him. Beta had been miserable knowing his great gift of spending the night as a wolf outdoors had resulted in damaging me. I knelt before the boy I hoped to call my Alpha someday, tilting my head just enough to expose my neck.

"It is good to see you back among us, Good Guard." Without another word to me, Beta addressed Alpha. "Lunch is ready whenever you are, Alpha."

"Lead the way," Alpha commanded mockingly.

Beta turned abruptly, stalking toward the kitchen with a stiff back. It was obvious the tension between them hadn't diminished. I led the others into following Beta, putting the authority both Alpha and Beta had given me into motion. My pack was whispering in excitement as we approached the table. Steven was putting a few soda bottles on the counter. There were more soda bottles, along with boxes of cereal, a big jar of peanut butter, and a sloppy-looking cake in the middle of the table.

I smiled, trying to give into the excitement shared by the others; but all I felt was resentment. Soda shouldn't be a big deal, neither should cereal, or peanut butter. I looked up when Bobby let out an exclamation.

"It's Good Guard's celebration, he should get the peanut butter first," Toby complained, trying to wrench the jar of peanut butter from Shawn's grasp.

No, I thought with a spark of anger, I'm not going to let him tear us apart. We needed each other. I couldn't let Alpha make us fight amongst ourself, especially over something as stupid as peanut butter. "No."

"No?" Alpha drawled. "You do not think you should be first with Beta's special treat," he asked sarcastically.

I dared look at Alpha with some of the rage and frustration that was in me. I was not going to let him divide me and Beta, either. The emotions within me fused into a steely determination. "No, Alpha, I do not," I replied with a bit of heat. "You are Alpha," I said in a milder tone. "You should go first, then Beta," I added, forcing myself to look down respectfully and tilt my head.

There, I thought with a bit of vindication. You want me to challenge you? I worded it so you have to take that first bite, just to prove your authority as Alpha. Now we have to wait on your command, which means no fighting over it among ourselves. You lose, Alpha!

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