Ch 43 demands

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David, Toby, and Bobby came out of the bathroom then. Alpha quickly sent them from the room, waiting for the door to close before turning back to me.

"The bitten," Alpha mused, "so different than those of us royally born. There are instincts in us that you lack, Good Guard." Alpha paused, bringing his hand up to stroke my cheek.

I couldn't help but shiver at his touch. Tension began to build in my stomach. I kept my eyes down, trying to relax. This touch was different than other times he'd touched me. It was gentler, yet made me nervous for some reason I couldn't name.

No offense, I reminded myself, no reason to fear; except I didn't trust Alpha.

"An alpha must be strong, proving he is capable of defending his pack. This I did when I defeated the other pack's omega. I am worthy to be an alpha," Alpha stated calmly, despite his human nose acting like it was doing a wolf's snarl. His voice drawled into something more sinister. "Tell me, Good Guard, how will our young heir prove he is worthy to be an alpha, when his bite failed?"

Alpha knew Beta had bitten Andre. My breath hitched. I was worried about how he knew. Did Beta tell him? Beta's demands echoed in my head. Help him kill Alpha, because that's how leadership is transferred among werewolves. My jumbled thoughts were disrupted when Alpha stroked my cheek in that frightening gentle way again.

"He, he would have to... to conquer someone?" I asked hesitantly. A wild idea sprang up in me, a way to maybe not be involved in a fight to the death. "Is that what you want me to do, Alpha, let Beta conquer me? I'm part of your pack, right? Not his? So if I do something bad, and he conquers me..."

My words were stopped as Alpha pulled me against his chest, smothering me. His hand stroked my hair again and again. His other arm wrapped around my back, keeping me crushed against him.

"So brave," he whispered, "so worthy to be part of my pack."

Caught in his embrace, I didn't dare struggle. My nose was filled with his musky body odor. I kept hoping someone would interrupt us as I tried not to sneeze. With a heavy sigh, Alpha adjusted his weight on the bed. Filled with uncertainty, I dared crane my head up to look questioningly at Alpha. He finally let go of me and pulled back a little.

"No," he said with a proud smile, "I would not force you to become an omega, Good Guard. You are too valuable as a guard, even if you are one of the bitten."

His hand stroked me again, his eyes glinting. I hadn't thought about what the consequences of my hasty suggestion would be. After seeing how Alpha treated the omegas, I had no desire to be one. I nodded slowly. My heart constricted, and I could barely breath. The thought of what I unwittingly volunteered for... I was grateful Alpha refused.

"Then, then what, how..." I couldn't complete the sentence, looking down. Alpha's look made me uncomfortable.

"You know why I am hard on you, Good Guard. Even trying not to, you constantly challenge me. Shh," he calmed me as I unconsciously jerked in fear, "no offense, remember? I expect challenges from you, Good Guard. If I cannot handle your challenges, I would not be worthy to be your alpha. This is the way it is among wolves, to constantly challenge the leader."

No, I thought as Alpha stroked my hair, it isn't how it is among wolves. I'd done a school report last year on wolves, real ones. They had family units, and if the dad attacked his kids, it was no different than my dad grounding me. It didn't really hurt, but taught boundaries. That's how I had explained it in my report. I wasn't surprised that Alpha had it wrong. I doubted anything I tried to tell him would make a difference. I looked up at him as my breathing evened out. Maybe it would make a difference with Beta, if I was careful when I explained how real wolves really acted.

Slowly, I said, "I don't understand what you want of me, Alpha."

"Someday, Good Guard, you will want to do more than merely think about attacking me. The desire to actually come at me with fang and claw will fill you."

I tried to shake my head no. Before I could get out any protest, Alpha laughed, putting a finger to my lips, sushing me.

"You will," he said, filled with humor before he got serious. "But you must not, otherwise you will have the same problem I have.

"Beta," I guessed, breathing out.

"Yes. He is the royal heir. The territory is his. Even if someone defeats him, they could not claim this territory without revealing ourselves to humans. You understand the dangers in this, Good Guard?"

"Yes, Alpha," I nodded solemnly.

Alpha nodded back. "I know you do, Good Guard. Because of this, he cannot die, so I cannot challenge and kill him. He must survive to provide the next heir.

I looked at Alpha in disbelief for a moment. Would he actually kill Beta, even though he's a kid? The image of Andre flashed briefly before me. I cringed, both from the image in my head and the knowledge that if Alpha thought he needed to, he would kill any of us. Alpha seemed not to notice my reaction.

"He must conquer me," Alpha said profoundly. "He must defeat me in combat, taking for himself all that is mine. Oh, it will not happen now, Good Guard," Alpha said with a chuckle, finally paying attention to me. "Beta is nowhere near ready to take over. But when that time comes, Good Guard..." Alpha put his hands on my shoulders, turning me. One hand brushed under my chin, prompting me to lift my head and look at him.

"When that time comes," Alpha said intently, "you must not interfere. Do nothing to stop him. A fight between us, to determine who will rule, is inevitable. As a matter of fact, Good Guard..." Alpha paused, evaluating me, "you must use your cunning to attack me."

I shook in Alpha's grasp, trembling as if I was still chilled. This is a trap, I thought, beginning to panic. Alpha knows what Beta asked of me.

Once more, Alpha pulled me to him, stroking me gently. This time, it felt like he was honestly trying to reassure me.

"I know I am asking much of you" he said. "You are still a boy. You do not understand. It is like you have said; your human life has not prepared you for this. It's ok."

Alpha spent some time petting me, and I had no objection. I needed the time to calm my nerves. My mind whirled as I tried to figure out if I was safe or in danger.

"To attack is normal, Good Guard," Alpha explained softly. "As time goes on, I will prompt you into attacking me. I will defeat you of course," Alpha chuckled as he petted me. "But over the years, Beta will become accustomed to such behavior from you. And on that day, when he attacks me, you will help him. You will also attack me. He might get mad at you, but it will be worth it. He must be strong," Alpha finished. He kept muttering under his breath, as if he forgot I was there.

When Alpha's came back to his senses and looked at me, I lowered and tilted my head automatically.

His sudden lunge, grabbing my hair like he did the omega-man, frightened me. "I'm not an omega, Alpha," I squeaked out.

I was surprised when he let go with a laugh.

"No, Good Guard, you are not." His hand came up and stroked my face. "Just so you understand, Good Guard; when Beta is ready and challenges me, if he fails, I will not hesitate to kill all of you."

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