Ch 4 going up

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The driver, who had said nothing the entire time, got out of the car, moving toward the trunk. The man got out as well, calling the dog out. The dog, I thought hazily, where had it been? Ah, the previously empty front seat.

"Alpha, he doesn't still need a leash. He did well, he obeyed," the boy called out, his voice filled with distress.

"I have my doubts," the man said gruffly.

I could hear them moving around. If I could just get some clue to where we were, it would make me feel better. I squirmed, trying to figure where we were at. I couldn't see anything from my chained position on the floorboard other than distant concrete walls. That had to mean a parking garage, right?

"It's your turn," the boy said, coming back into view. "Remember... obey immediately. Use Alpha's title. Don't avoid any punishment you earn." The boy leaned in close. "Try not to earn punishments," he whispered urgently in my ear, stroking my face.

I nodded, knowing I couldn't do anything else. The kid might be the reason I was here, but at least he was trying to keep me from harm while I was here... wherever here was.

"I'm going to unhook you now. No kicking, no fighting, no noise, so Alpha doesn't have to punish you."

The boy kept his eyes on my face as he reached toward my feet. He didn't remove the little collars from my ankles, just the chain between them that was keeping me tied down.

"Hurry up," snapped the man.

The boy helped me wiggle across the floorboard, holding my arms to support my body until my feet made it out and found their way to the frigid concrete. He helped me stand, my sore muscles protesting the movement after not being able to move... it had to be at least a day or more. There was a slight breeze coming from somewhere, cold against my bare skin, and I shivered.

The boy stood directly in front of me, holding my leash. His hands were quick to grab my head when I started to try and look around.

"No," he said firmly but gently, "you keep your head bowed down."

I was breathing hard, my chest pounding, as I lowered my head. I still tried to get the barest glimpse of anything that would help identify where we were. I got as far as thinking about hollering out for help. I doubted we would be getting out of the old car if there was anyone to hear me if I did scream. I didn't want to think about how the man would beat me if I did something like that, especially now that we were out of the car.

The driver dropped a big sack on the floor next to the boy and I. I heard someone cry out from inside as it landed on the concrete.

My breath started to come out in gasps as the man kicked the sack, bringing forth a muffled cry. The boy's hand was on my face again, bringing my head up for a second so my eyes could meet his.

"That one is called the bad one for now. He kept disobeying. You be good now, ok new one?" The boy gave me a questioning look as if waiting for me to agree to be good.

"I will," I whispered, the words not wanting to come out of me. The boy pushed my head back down until my chin was against my chest.

The man took the dog's leash from the driver. The driver grunted as he hoisted up the sack with someone in it over his shoulder. The boy turned me around when something dinged, giving me a little shove forward instead of pulling on my leash.

He and I moved forward first, entering a huge elevator whose opening doors had triggered the ding. He kept guiding me all the way to the far corner.

"Kneel down," the boy commanded me, no hint of the gentle protector in him now.

I lowered myself down, my tears flowing freely again. I could try to run, but the keyword was try. I dared a glance up. The boy didn't allow any slack as he held my leash, ready to choke me if needed. Plus, I was still handcuffed.

The driver had already followed us in, keeping his burden over his shoulder. His head was bowed deep into his chest. The man was entering the elevator, leading the leashed dog.

How far would I get, naked and chained? The answer was obvious to me. I'd be lucky to get two steps before the boy realized what I was doing and yanked on my leash, choking me. I could almost picture the man's fist whamming into me. My midriff was sore from his earlier kicks.

My fanciful dream of escape ended as the elevator doors closed. The man used a key to make the elevator go up instead of pushing a button. A key, I thought with despair. There would be no sneaking down this elevator without that key.

The elevator, what had to be the most ancient elevator ever created, lurched into motion.

The man looked around with this satisfied look on his face until his eyes met mine. At his growl the boy put his hand on my head, pushing it down again.

"I told you to be good, new one. Now you have earned a punishment," the boy said, his voice full of his disappointment in me.

My blood ran cold and my mind whirled. I didn't want another beating on top of my current bruises. "I'm sorry," I whispered, hoping against hope that my apology would gain me some sort of leniency.

"You will learn," the man growled as the elevator dinged to a stop. He moved suddenly, throwing something over my head before the doors opened.

"We're home," the boy exclaimed with excitement, tugging on my leash.

I followed blindly where I was led, terror in my every step as my bare feet stumbled along the cold tiles, wondering what would happen next. I knew, somehow, it would only get terribly worse.

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