Ch 13 survive

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The boy came in, followed by Alpha. Our young lord sounded too happy after yesterday as he announced that it was time for another one of us to be transformed.

I was filled with dread. It was with relief I watched them walk to the far side of the room. They took the boy in the front of that line. He whimpered as they pulled him across the floor. Our young lord constantly reassured the poor boy. Shawn, the boy who had already gone through his transformation, followed at the snap of Alpha's fingers.

Everything was quiet for a while and I began to wonder if maybe they changed their mind. As time went on, there was still no sound. I worried if perhaps the boy had died. Finally though, the sounds started. Muffled by the door at first, there were the occasional groans and cries of pain. By the time hunger was gnawing at my belly, the sounds were intermittently mixed with cries that were partial screams. As the day ended, the screams got louder and more consistent... and went on and on, far into the night.

I don't think anyone got any sleep that night. I couldn't imagine having to go though that, what they had planned for me. The boy behind me continually whimpered.

"It's all right," I dared tell him, "we will get through this. Somehow," I whispered, "together. "

"You don't believe that anymore than I do," he whispered back.

I didn't want to admit it, but he was right. I had no idea how we were going to get through this.

"I don't know for sure, " I finally said in an undertone, "but I plan on surviving, one way or another." I kept waiting for the bad one to say something. I found his obedient silence unnerving.

Morning came and the boy finally brought us food. The second day wore on, and the boy brought us more food. The screams and loud cries were easier to hear now since the boy had left the door open. I cringed at every drawn out cry. The kid they'd dragged from the room was beginning to endure agony, and it was being told in the tone of the screams that rang down the hall into our room.

By the time our young lord told us to sleep, I was worn out from crying. I did not want that to happen to me. I wondered if somehow, someway, if I begged enough, they might decide not to do this to me. I didn't want to be a werewolf. I didn't want to have to endure the pain that caused those screams.

Sleep was sporadic. I know I dozed off, only to be woken up by the loud, shrill screams that intermittently continued. It went on. I knew now why the other captive had said to sleep when we could. I counted out four days worth of breakfasts and dinners.

At some point I finally slept soundly out of pure exhaustion. The screams must have stopped at some point, because when I woke, there was silence. I hauled myself off the floor when our boy lord came in.

The boy was ecstatic, practically dancing around as he set down the bowls with our breakfast. I was surprised to see mine contained all cereal and no dog food.

"Wait till you see him," he told us excitedly. "He has beautiful grey fur, mixed with black. I can't wait to see how the rest of you end up looking!"

His words as he left to get our water put a weight on my heart. I always knew how I looked in the mirror at home. I could picture myself getting ready for school, brushing my teeth. I couldn't stop my homesick sobbing from coming out.

"Good one, what's wrong?" our lord asked. He went to his knees by my head and hugged me. "You must stop before Alpha decides you all have to eat the nuggets again."

I struggled to get myself under control, not wanting to ruin a decent meal for everyone. The boy's hand was gentle on my face, wiping away my tears. He kept stroking my head, trying to comfort me. I felt a twinge of anger at his insistence on treating us like dogs.

"Now tell me," he demanded softly, "what has upset you so?"

"I miss my mom," I whispered. Then I just couldn't help myself, the words coming out of me before I could think about stopping them, "I want to go home."

The boy swallowed hard; I could actually hear it. "You are home," he whispered back, glancing fearfully toward the door. "Never forget that."

He stood then, raising his voice to tell us about the successful transformation of our erstwhile companion. He went around petting everyone. He sounded joyful as he explained how Alpha wanted us to join in the celebration by giving us cereal for breakfast.

As the boy left the room, he looked troubled as he glanced back over his shoulder at me. I bowed my head, understanding. If Alpha heard my homesick words, I don't think he would stop at a simple beating. The knowledge didn't stop the pangs of longing in my heart.

When the boy came back with the last of the water bowls, Alpha was behind him.

"What are you doing?" Alpha growled out.

The boy had started to unfasten my hands. He stopped, looking up at Alpha.

"He has earned to have his hands unbound, Alpha. He has been very good."

The silence drew out as the two stared at each other. When the boy sighed, I thought Alpha had won their little contest of wills. I was surprised at the boy when he spoke again.

"I promised him a good home here," he told Alpha. I could hear the depth of sincerity in our boy lord's voice. "Keeping him chained like this, how is he suppose to believe me? The new one has also been good. They deserve to have their hands unbound and to have more slack in their leash."

The man must have nodded, because the boy undid my hands, even removing the handcuffs with a small key from around his neck. The short chain was gone. I had enough slack in the chain between my collar and the floor now, I could kneel upright if I wanted to. I kept myself on all fours, head bowed. The boy tapped my cheek as he stood. It took me a second to realize what he wanted me to do.

"Thank you, lord," I said clearly, wanting to vindicate the boy's decision in front of Alpha.

Alpha let out a hmmpht. He stood there in silence as the boy worked on the new one's restraints. The new one also said thank you to our young lord. The boy left with the stuff he was holding, coming back with just a leash. He went over to the boy across from me on the other side of the room.

"Come," our young lord said after a moment. "It's your turn."

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