Ch 6 choice

394 15 4

The boy kept moving forward, my bare feet reluctantly following his, as we entered a normal door. There wasn't a lot of light, but the boy didn't hesitate as he strode across the carpet.

Whatever had been thrown over my head was yanked off. I couldn't help looking around. Even in the dim light, I could tell it was some sort of apartment. The kitchen area was in front of us. I got as far as taking in the white cabinets before the boy gave a tug on my leash.

I panicked, my eyes flying to his face, not knowing what he wanted. He lifted his chin a bit, then dropped it, looking down, before looking back at me with this hard look to his eyes.

I immediately lowered my eyes to the floor, tucking my chin against my chest. My body started trembling. I had already been promised one punishment, I didn't want another.

I heard the man grunt, and the thud and cry as the sack got dropped somewhere behind me. The boy came closer to me, stroking my head again. Petting me, I realized.

"Isn't the new one doing well, Alpha?"

The man merely grunted again.

"Alpha!" the boy seemed to almost beg petulantly.

"The new one seems to be doing well so far," the man finally said, reluctantly agreeing with the boy. "You know they always fight in the beginning though."

"Not this one," said the boy with complete confidence. "He's learning to obey quickly, and with little discipline. He'll probably still make a few mistakes here and there. Be gentle with him, will you Alpha? I like him."

The man scoffed, and the boy kept stroking me, petting me. Resentment flared in me. I wasn't some stupid dog! They had no right to tie me up, lead me around, making me naked...

The boy suddenly yanked on the leash, grabbing my jaw, tilting my head up so he could look at me. For a moment, his eyes held the same look I had seen in the man. Fear filled me again, squashing my resentment. It was as if he could hear my thoughts and they angered him. I dropped my eyes down, despite the hold he had on my chin.

They might not have the right, but they were doing it anyway. And what could I do about it? Fight? Like the man expected me to do? For what? To get the crap beaten out of me as my punishment for something so little as to look around instead of keeping my head down? To be punished when I automatically tried to avoid the pain that was so quickly delivered by the man?

Or, could I be the obedient little pet, and not get beaten?

I was trapped here, with no way out. My choices were to uselessly fight against them, disobey, and get severely beaten. Or I could obey, gain the kid's trust, and try to take advantage of how he liked me to keep out of trouble. I wanted to avoid the man who seemed to delight in dishing out punishment.

I stood there as the man moved around and the boy loosely held my leash. My vision filled with that length of leather strap. Despair filled me, my overwhelming fear somehow making room for it within me. The reality of my circumstances was beginning to truly sink in. No matter what path I chose, my new future was taking root.

I hated my choices. I didn't want to obey every little thing the kid said. I was terrified of the violence in the man. I didn't want to be here. I desperately wanted to go home. I wanted to be babied by my parents. I wanted to feel my mom's gentle touch, not be petted by the boy.

I didn't dare say any of it out loud. All I could think is that if I were home, I would never, never, complain about doing chores again!

I wanted to rebel. I wanted to kick at the boy, smashing my fist into his stupid, happy face the way the man had punched me. I wanted to repeatedly kick them both while they were tied down and unable to do anything about it.

I wanted out of here! I wanted to be free!

My choice? Did I really even have one? I chose to be the obedient pet, of course.

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